HYDROGRAPHY (G,Becker, K.,Huber, E,Mittelstaedt)
1. Methods
The-main part of the measurements were made during two
5-days permanent stations close to moored current meter
arrays (Fig. 2). The water depth at the station (1) was
500 m. The station (2) was located on the shelf (water
depth 150 m),
During the permanent stations (1} and (2) temperature,
conductivity and pressure were measured hourly using the
Bathysonde (Howaldt Kiel/FRG), During every measurement
a sampling bottle with reversing thermometers was attached
about 5 m above the CTD sensors, The bottle was tripped
at different depths, The comparison between the values
of the Bathysonde and the bottle resulted in a mean
temperature difference of
STD * Tbott
and a econductivitvy factor of?
„botk = + „07 +
°CTD i
Every day 2 - 3 serial observations were made at the
stations, mainly to determine the oxygen content, To
analyse the oxygen, the modified Winkler method was
used, In table II and IIX the serial observations are
shown, A surface bucket sample was taken every hour in
order to measure the surface temperature and to draw ä
water sample. Moreover, wind, air pressure and air tem-
perature were observed every hour at the stations,
Before starting the stations a survey was made
within 4 days to find out the hydrographic conditions
in a larger vicinity of the moored arrays (Fig, 1), The
sections on this survey were mainly occupied by XBT
measurements and occasionaily by observations with the