96 PCA formula and congener group profiles
Figure 10 compares the formula and congener group patterns of s- and mPCA for
selected samples. C14 compounds are dominant (mean 69 %, range 59-100 %) in the
mPCA-patterns of all samples as also typical for technical mixtures. No differences
between regions were observed.
The picture is more complex for sPCA-patterns. Cn and C12 congeners were most
abundant in the biota from the Baltic and North Sea. The distribution resembled
those in technical sPCA, but showed a larger variability. To facilitate a comparison of
the sPCA patterns, the sums of all congeners of each chain length is given in Figure 11
for cod from the Baltic Sea and compared to technical sPCA mixtures. The C-chain
patterns were quite similar.
However, cod livers from the northern North Atlantic showed a change. Here, C10
and C12 congeners were most intense with exception of one sample from northern
Iceland as the C-chain profiles in Figure 12 demonstrate. Moreover, the isomer groups
C12H20CI6 and C12H19CI7 had a high fraction. C12H19CI7 contributed about 20 % to the
sPCA sum. The change of C10 congeners from a minor to a major fraction of sPCA was
also observed by Tomy et al. (2000) in marine mammals from the Northern North
Atlantic such as beluga, walrus and seals.
Table 29 summarises the relative contribution of C10 and C12 congeners to total
sPCA as well as the C10/C12 ratio for cod liver from the Baltic Sea, the northern North
Atlantic and biota liver from bear Island. The C10 fraction and C10/C12 ratio increased
to 28.4 % and 0.76, respectively, in cod liver from the northern North Atlantic
compared to 13.6 % and 0.43 in technical mixtures or 16.8 % and 0.53 in cod liver from
the Baltic Sea. A corresponding or even higher increase could also be observed for
biota liver from Bear Island. The change indicates a fractionation and enrichment of
the more volatile C10 congeners during long range transport to this remote region.