neighbouring countries of the North Sea and Baltic Sea - Denmark, Netherlands,
Sweden, Norway, and Finland - or in Switzerland. The main application countries of
dicofol in Europe (about 290 t) are Spain (100-150 t), France (14 t), Portugal (4.8 t),
and UK (11).
2.2.4 Endosulfan
Endosulfan is a sulphite ester of a chlorinated cyclodienediol. The technical mixture
contains two parts of endosulfan I - and 1 part of endosulfan II - isomer. Its main
application areas are temperate, sub-tropic and tropic climatic zones. In Europe, it has
been registered since 1956. World-wide production was about 5,000 to 10,000 t in 1992.
One of the main producers is Bayer CropScience. In 1999, the total consumption of the
compound in Europe was 469 t mainly in southern Europe (4311). In most north
European countries, endosulfan has not been used since the mid-1990s. This led to a
decline of consumption from about 400 t in 1995 to only 38 t in 1999. Only Belgium,
France, UK, and Switzerland confirmed applications for 1999.
2.2.5 Pentachlorophenol (PCP)
Pentachlorophenol is a chlorinated phenol. PCP production in Europe has been banned
since the early 1980s. Nevertheless, 100 t of imported PCP was used as an algaecide
and bactericide in the timber and textile industry of the European Union in 1997. Use of
PCP in Germany was banned in 1989.
2.2.6 Trifluralin
Trifluralin is a dinitroaniline derivative which is used as a selective herbicide. It is
marketed under different trade names (e.g. TREFLAN) for use as a pre-sowing or pre
emergence herbicide to control grasses and dicotyledonous weeds. It was first registered
in the US in 1963. In the European Union, there is only one manufacturer of trifluralin
(Manerbio, Northern Italy). The annual production volume is about 6,000 t; thereof
about 3,200 t are used in the European Union.