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Full text: R&D-Project - Identification of organic compounds in the North and Baltic Seas

6.6 Appendix 
6.6.1 Reagents and solvents 
The reagents and solvents were of the highest purity available. The following solvents 
were used: acetone (Merck, SupraSolv®), dichloromethane, /7-hexane (Baker, Ultra resi- 
analyzed) methanol (Baker, Hplc-analyzed). Deionized water was obtained from an 
ultra-filtration system (Millipore milli-Q academic A10, 18.2 Milcm). 
All glassware was washed twice with acetone, dried, and then washed twice with n- 
hexane. After that the glassware was heated at 180°C for 5 h. 
6.6.2 GC-MS method for the determination of Chlorpyrifos, Endosulfan 
and Trifluralin 
All analyses were carried out with a Trace GC capillary gas chromatograph coupled to 
a Trace MS mass spectrometer (both Thermo Finnigan). Analyses were conducted with 
the following parameters: 
Carrier gas: 
Oven temperature: 
Interface temperature: 
Detection mode: 
ZB-5 from Phenomenex (5 % Phenyl-, 95 % 
dimethylpolysiloxan) 30 m x 0.25 i. d. x 0.25 pm; 1 m 
precolumn ZB-5 
Helium 1.5 mL/min 
40 °C, 1 min isotherm; linear temperature gradient 
(5.5 °C/min to 320 °C; then 10 min isotherm) 
PTV splitless (Inlet temperature: 50 °C; split flow: 
30 ml/Min; splitless time: 1 Min; injection phases: 
injection: 40 kPa, 50 °C, 50 mL/Min , 0.01 Min; 
evaporation: 140 kPa, 14.5 °C/s, 60 °C, 0.5 Min; transfer: 
210 kPa, 14.5 °C/Min, 280 °C, 10 Min) 
280 °C 
Reagent gas: 
Source temperature: 
Emission current: 
Dwell time per mass: 
130 °C (NCI) 
150 pA 
50 ms

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