ng/L. When interpreting this result it has to be considered that DCB is not a specific
indicator of dicofol, because other compounds, e.g. DDT, also degrade to DCB. Due to
this lack of specificity and its non-toxicity, the determination of DCB was not
The LOD for dicofol is well below the toxic level for aquatic organisms, which is in the
range of pg/L (Table 55, chapt. 2.2)
In Germany, dicofol has been prohibited since 1995. It is not registered in most North
Sea and Baltic Sea countries - Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and Finland
- and in Switzerland. Therefore, the lack of positive findings in the North Sea and
Baltic Sea is not unexpected. The main use of dicofol in Europe (ca. 290 t) is reported
for Spain (100-150 t), France (14 t), Portugal (4.8 t), and the UK (It). Dicofol therefore
may be considered to be of lower priority concern for the North Sea and Baltic Sea
(unless inputs of Russia, Poland or the Baltic states are of importance). The detection
limits in this study were not low enough to detect inputs resulting from atmospheric
deposition of long-range transports.
There remains an uncertainty because no data on the occurrence of dicofol in sediments
and biota could be gained. However, in view of the low stability of dicofol in sea water,
it is considered unlikely that elevated concentrations will be found in these matrices.
6.5 References
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