concentrations up to 100 mg/L. In contrast, Dicofol was found to have a significant
influence on embryonic development at concentrations of 2-10 mg/L (Table 81).
Table 81: Influence of dicofol on the embryonic development of Danio rerio\ number of eggs 60, limit of
significance 10 % (Kammann, BFA, 2004)
EC50 [mg/L]
Variances on vertébral column
Formation of oedema
Endpoints of the investigation were coagulation and lethal variances in the embryo
(somits, caudal ablation, spontaneous motion, cardioplegia) as well as non-lethal
variances (vertebral column, oedema, pigments, pigments of eyes, disposition of eyes).
A literature survey yielded no indication of any other toxicity risk of DCB; it is not
considered toxic. Discussion
Dicofol was not detectable in sea water from the North Sea and Baltic Sea (LOD: 0.3
ng/L). Degradation experiments in sea water showed a half-life of less than a day.
Therefore, no further investigations in sediments or biota were carried out. Also LOD
lowering to the lower pg/L range was not considered to be of priority interest in the
Walsh and Hites (1979) showed that the degradation of dicofol in water depends on the
pH and increases under neutral and basic pH conditions. As sea water has a basic pH
value between 8 and 8.5, this is supported by the quick degradation observed in sea
water and the fact that up to now no occurrence of dicofol in marine waters has been
reported in literature.
In the river Elbe - generally the most important source of pollutant input to the German
Bight - no dicofol was detected but its degradation product DCB was present at 3.8