degradation product DBP. Rapid degradation of dicofol is observed at room
temperature, with a half-life of 15 hours. DBP is formed at the same rate and is
evidently more stable in the water phase.
Figure 51: Degradation of dicofol in sea water at room temperature
Therefore, DCB was analysed in selected water samples from the river Elbe and the
German Bight and was in fact detected at concentrations of <0.2 to 3.8 ng/L; maximum
concentrations were found in the river Elbe, at Stade. Toxicity screening of dicofol and dichlorobenzophenone
Dicofol and dichlorobenzophenone were tested for teratogenic effects in a fish egg test
(DIN 3815-6T6) (expanded to include teratogenic effects)) in order to estimate their
toxicity for marine organisms. The tests were performed at Bundesforschungsanstalt fur
Fischerei, Hamburg, by U. Kammann (2004).
In the tests, the influence of the substances on the embryonic development of zebra
danio (Danio rerio) was determined (Vobach, 2002). No effects on fish egg
development were observed with the metabolite 4,4’-dichlorbenzophenone at