geographical distribution (Figure 47) shows the highest concentrations not in the coastal
area along the Elbe plume but at the western edge of the German Bight.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Figure 47: Trifluralin concentrations [pg/L] in surface water (5 m) in summer and winter
In the western Baltic Sea, summer concentrations resembled those in the German Bight.
The values at most stations ranged from 7 to 46 pg/L. The highest concentrations were
observed in the Lübeck Bight and Llensburg Fjord, where concentrations of 21 and 46
pg/L, respectively, were found. These elevated levels can be explained by slow water
exchange in this bight and high agricultural activities in the area. Sediment
Trifluralin was identified in 30 surface sediment samples from the North Sea and Baltic
Sea which were collected during 6 cruises in 2003 to 2005 (Table 97, Appendix 6.8).
The geographical distribution is shown in Ligure 48. Concentrations were very low in
all sediment samples from the German Bight and western Baltic Sea. They varied