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Full text: R&D-Project - Identification of organic compounds in the North and Baltic Seas

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Figure 35: Chlorpyrifos concentrations [pg/L] in surface water (5 m) in the North Sea (July 2004) and 
Baltic Sea (June 2004) 
The findings of the survey in July 2003, which covered the entire North Sea, are in line 
with those of the German Bight survey. Concentrations in the southern North Sea were 
significantly higher than in the northern part. 
Concentrations in the western Baltic Sea were similar to those in the German Bight 
(Figure 35). The values at most stations ranged from 19 to 33 pg/L. However, 
concentrations of 78 and 102 pg/L were found in the Flensburg Fjord. These elevated 
levels are attributable to the slow water exchange in this bight and intensive agricultural 
activities in the area. 
In 2004, some samples were taken in the Greenland Sea - along the 75 latitude - in 
order to investigate possible long-range transports and determine background 
concentrations. However, no chlorpyrifos above the LOD was found in these samples.

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