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Full text: R&D-Project - Identification of organic compounds in the North and Baltic Seas

1700 ng/g lipid. However, nothing is known about the input of PCAs into the sea via 
sPCAs and mPCAs are part of the OSPAR List of Substances of Possible Concern and 
of the HELCOM list of Selected Substances for Immediate Priority Action. However, 
the OSPAR List of Chemicals for Priority Action and the WFD list of priority 
substances in the field of water policy contain only sPCAs. In Germany, the production 
of all PCA was stopped in 1998. Moreover, PC A application is prohibited for metal 
working and leather treatment since summer 2003 by the Directive 2002/45/EC. Finally, 
a risk assessment was carried out in the EU for sPCAs and mPCAs. 
2.1.2 Characterisation of chlordanes 
The pesticide technical chlordane was first synthesised in 1945. 147 compounds could 
be identified in technical chlordane. Main constituents are about 24 % trans-chlordane, 
19 % cis-chlordane, 9 % y-chlordene, 7 % heptachlor, 7 % trans-nonachlor, 3 % 
a-chlordene, 3 % [3-chlordene, 1 % chlordane and 19.5 % related compounds including 
cis-nonachlor. About 70’000 tons were manufactured between 1960 and 1988. 
Technical chlordane is a contact and stomach pesticide with a broad spectrum. It was 
mainly used for building protection, ornamental lawns and trees, drainage ditches, but 
also to protect crops like com and potatoes. Technical chlordane was mainly applied for 
termite control. 
Technical chlordane was neither manufactured in Europe nor in Japan, but was 
commercially available in Germany around 1950. It was hardly used in Europe and no 
consumption data are available for this region. First restrictions of use were decided in 
1978 by the US Environmental Protection Agency. It was then mainly applied for 
termite control and finally banned in the USA in 1988 and in Central America in 1997. 
Chlordane is registered in the OSPAR List of Substances of Possible Concern and of the 
HELCOM list of Selected Substances for Immediate Priority Action. However, it is not 
listed in the OSPAR List of Chemicals for Priority Action and the WFD list of priority

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