Zencak, Z. and Oehme, M. “Dichloromethane as NICI reagent gas for the selective detection
of polychlorinated w-aikanes” Conference DETECTA 04, 10-11 June, 2004, Basel, Switzer
Hiittig, J. and Oehme, M. “Determination of Short- and Medium-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins
in North Sea” SET AC Europe 14 th Annual Meeting, 18-22 April, 2004, Prague, Czech
Reth, M. and Oehme, M. “Limitations of low resolution mass spectrometry in the electron
capture negative ionization mode for the analysis of short- and medium-chain chlorinated
paraffins” Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2004, 378, 1741-1747.
Zencak, Z.; Reth, M. and Oehme, M. “Determination of Total Polychlorinated n-Alkane
Concentration in Biota by Electron Ionization-MS/MS” Anal. Chem. 2004, 76, 1957-1962.
Hiittig, J. and Oehme, M. "Analysis of Short Chain Polychlorinated Paraffins in North Sea
Sediments” Annual meeting of the Swiss Chemical Society, 9 October, 2003, Lausanne,
Zencak, Z. and Oehme, M. "Quantification of polychlorinated n-Alkanes by ion trap EI-
MS/MS” Annual meeting of the Swiss Chemical Society, 9 October, 2003, Lausanne,
Reth, M. and Oehme, M. "Analysis of Short Chain Polychlorinated n-Alkanes in Biota”
Annual meeting of the Swiss Chemical Society, 9 October, 2003, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Zencak, Z.; Reth, M. and Oehme, M. “Dichloromethane-Enhanced Negative Ion Chemical
Ionization of Polychlorinated n-Alkanes” Anal. Chem. 2003, 75, 2487-2492.
Reth, M.; Zencak, Z. and Oehme, M. “Analysis of Short-Chain Polychlorinated n-Alkanes in
Fish Samples by HRGC-NICI-LRMS” Organohalogen Compd. 2003, 60, 444-447.
Zencak, Z. and Oehme, M. “Dichloromethane as NICI reagent gas for the selective detection
of polychlorinated n-alkanes” Organohalogen Compd. 2003, 60, 488-491.
Zencak, Z. and Oehme, M. “Fast ion trap EI-MS/MS detection of polychlorinated n-alkanes
in biota samples” Organohalogen Compd. 2003, 60, 440-443.
Reth, M. and Oehme, M. “Determination of Polychlorinated n-Alkanes in Biota Samples -
Challenges and Problems” 3rd Workshop on Analytical Artefacts in Environmental Analysis
and Related Areas (Artefacta), 16-17 June, 2003, Munich, Germany.
Zencak, Z. and Oehme, M. “Dichloromethane as Reagent Gas for the selective Detection of
Polychlorinated n-Alkanes by Negative Ion Chemical Ionization” Annual meeting of the
Swiss Chemical Society for mass Spectrometry (SGMS), 14-15 November, 2002, Beatenberg,
Reth, M.; Zencak, Z. and Oehme, M. “Determination of Short-Chain Polychlorinated
Paraffins in Fish Samples by HRGC-NICI-LRMS”, ,,r+d“ Conference, 15-18 October, 2002,
Basel, Switzerland.
Zencak, Z. and Oehme, M. “Dichloromethane Enhanced Negative Ion Chemical Ionization of
Polychlorinated n-Alkanes”, r+d“ Conference, 15-18 October, 2002, Basel, Switzerland.
Reth, M. “Entwicklung eines Aufarbeitungsverfahrens zur Bestimmung von kurzkettigen
polychlorierten n-Alkancn in fetthaltigen Proben“ (Diploma Thesis) 2002, University of
Basel, Switzerland.