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See- | Zahl __ Durchschnittliche Abweichung a 
ıöhe. | der Luftdruck Temperatur Kon 
Meter | Jahre | mm Quecksilber Celsiusgrade | a. 
H u Yo | Yo | Ya v% | Y% | Ye VD! Ye 
Korrelationskoeffizienten © 
ea 1 ; 
Einheit: 706 
JF | MA | MJ | JA | SO | ND |Mitte 
a 12 40 | 0.55 0.57 170.51] 0.49 | 0,37 | 0.59| L1 —08 | -68 35 31 66 | — 13 
7° MadrasS es 7 30 , 0.51 0.35 0.62| 0.51 | 0.61 +046| LO —-23 | —-37 / —32 32 | —02 | -35 
8 Bangalore............0..0.000 920 30 0.44 0.35 0.52] 0.51 | 0.40 0.66 | 0.86 | —-20 | —-33 45 49 5% | —11 14 
9, Kodaikanal!?) (Palni Hills) ..| 1340 31 0.41 0,34 0.48| 0.49 | 0.40 | 0.58 | 0,84 52 17, 64 31 46 17° 38 
10 | Kotschin 2er 3 34 0.44 ; 0.43 0.50} 0.40 | 0.39 | 0.43! 1.1 (4 —-10| -13| -24 | -_45 05 0‘ 
1 | Kolombo (Ceylon) ... | 7] 61 [045 0045| 0,52] 0.38 | 0.35 | 0.38| 1.2 | 17] 19| -23| -02 0 | -ı7) -ol 
Vereinzelte S*ationen, 
CE KENN Bm m men 30 50 u.51 0.50 0.53| 0.45 ] 0.53 |50.43| 1.1 —-54 | -32.| -28| -06}| -33 | - 33 
‘3 Abuschehr (Pers. Meerb.) .... 4 53° 0.61 | 0.54 0.72] 0.76 | 0.60 | 0.92| 0.80 | -35 | -58 | -11 | -20 06 | -25| -24 
4 Hongkong.......0.000000004044 33 | 47 0.80 | 0.82 | 0.82| 0.68 } J43 | 0.97| 1.2 —38 | -58 04 | -40 | -39 | 73 | —41 
5] Pokio.........0000000000+00 | 21 | 40 | 10 0.92 | 1.2 | 0,80 0.80 | 0.80 1.3 15-19 16| 23| 10 15| 10 
6 | Batavia 6° 11’S ........... 8 65 0.43 | 0.33 1<0.59| 0.29 0.25 |/0.33| 1.5 24 44 | . 28 10 15 28 25 
4.0 0.67 ' 
0.83] 0.83 
0.65 | 0.89 
0.51| 0.43 
0.40] 0.36 
ALCXaNÜTIA sera ernennen 
Heluan!®) (südl. v. Kairo) ... 
<hartum .....00.000000000004 
Lagos (Nigeria) 6° 27’N..... 
Sansibar 6° 10°S......,.... } 
Entebbe?®) (Victoria-See) 
PN een 
103 Johannesburg .........0.0.000 
‚04 Kimberley .......00.000000000 
105 | Kapstadt .......0..0.000000000 
(06° Port Elizabeth ............. 
107° Durban esse rennen 
108‘ 3Zulawayo (Rhodesia)........ 
‚09} Antananarivo (Madagaskar) .. 
‚10 | Mauritius ...0.0.0000005000000 
111] St, Helena .... 
32 | 43 
116 | 27 
390 1 28 
7] 32 
18} 40 
0.77 . 0.57 
0.60 | 0:46 
0.54 0.48 
0.46 | 0.47 | 
0.42 | 0.47 | 
0.53 | 0.77 1.2 ul Zu 2-58 -60 | =, zu 44 
0.66 | 0.91| 0.73 | -66, -40 70. 69 | -62 _57 61 
0.76 | 1.2 0.61 | =9%1 -92 | -17 -60 56 81 | -67 
343 5041| 11 | -24 | —08 -07|-40| 2 | 13 | 04 
1.32 /0.40| 1.2 01! 0! _-53' _54| _48 | _53| 35 
{170 | 27 0.40 | 0.41 0.43] 0.45 343 | 0.45) 0.89 25 | - 08 | 16 
‘806 | 27 0.55 | 0.68 3.47| 0.82 0.82 | 0.79 0.67 55 56 49 
1200 | 34 0.61 0.83 0.46| 0.84 0.75 |<0.93 0.73 | -15 50 37 21 33 -01 21 
12 | 45 0.64 0.87 | 0.59] 0.71 0.68 |<0.73| .0.90 | —-40 17 34 04 05 -36 -03 
55 | 45 0.853 11 0.631 0.57 | 0.62 | 053| L5 —26 -10 22 04 -09, -55 -12 
15° 30 0.85 ' L1 0.65 | 0.62 | 0.56 X 0.63 1.4 —46 | -16 -33 | -33 | -39 | -50 | —36 
1350 1 34 0.54 | 0.58 | 0.53 | 0.85 | 0.86! 0.79| 0.64 501 -33  -45 | -78 | 33 24 | -16 
1375 | 42 0.52 0.51 |<0.62| 0.65 | 0.69 0.51| 0.80 73 12 | -22 | —-24 | —20 44 10 
55 | 30 | 0.65 0.59 |<0.95] 0.41 0.43 | 0.40| L6 14 | -08 | -27 | -40 | -27 | —-59 29 
504 | 38 0.50 0.65! 0.45] 0.57 |! 0.52 1/0.64| 0.88 04 15 | -28 34! 16 15 | 09 
‚Port Darwin ..0.000000000004 . 40 v.EI 
13 Alice Springs (Zentr. v. Austr.) | 587 46 0.88 
3 PA 60 | 30 1.1 
45 Sydney are 42 | 50 1.5 
16 Adelaide .............0.000004 43 | 60 1.4 
17 Wellington ......00000000004 3 | 40 2.4 
18 | dokitika&..........0...0.0004004 3] 37 25 
‚19 [ Apia (1890—1914) .,........ 2] 25 0.44 
Austrz"ien ” "ynesien. 
53 70.84] 0.61 | 0.87 | 0.52| L.1 43 65 -58 -81 385 4 1 
7 083] 43 31.2 |<13 | 0.69 | -06 -57 -75 -70 | -70 -05 -4 
LE 0.76] 0.75 0.58 |<0.88| 1.5 —38 | -07 | -27 | -36 30 -08 | -14 
18 13 | 061 | 0.53 |<0.59| 2.5 | -07 -21| -06| -03| -21 | -13| -12 
1.9  0.89| 0.91 | 0.63 | 12 | 15 0-08 | -29 | 27 27 43 | 01 
3.0 22 | 0.71 061 |<0.92| 3.4 33 20 21 | -22 59 45 26 
2.383 ı 22 1 0.82 0.69 <L2 S.1 55 -04 0 08 14 52 21 
1.39 10.56] 0.42 | 0.39 1<0.48| 1.0 | -66! -50| -32| 27 -30| _-44 | _42 
20] Salzseestadt (Utah)......... 
z1 | Modena %) (Utah)........... 
22° ander?) (Wyoming) ....... 
23 Grand Junetion®) (Colorado) 
24 Santa Fe (Neu-Mexiko) ..... 
251) El Paso (Texas) ., - 
| 0.71 
Nordamerika. Felsengebarge. 
0.68 | 1:3 | 15 | 1.0 2,0 
0.55 | 1.2 | 14 | 0,7] %4 
0.75 | 1.3 | 1.7 | LO > 
0.67) 13 ) 7.7 0.90 
0.63 21.1 2 0.80 
064] 07 26 40 13, 2 - 
0.59 | 52 J4 67T 09| 55 49 % 
0.60 | 08 7”, 59 2238| 48| 03, 3% 
0.64 | 08 72} 47, -30| 32 12] 2 
„0.73 | 80; 90| 26 -23| 60 79| 52 
14 | 0.68 | 27! 236 _15l-.36| -21| 15 0 
26 | Victoria (Vancouver)........ 16 il -07 -34| -31 20 -22 +2. 
‚27 | Sacramento .......0...00000 0.76 | 03 | -28 -—66| -58 | -33 | 038 u -30 
„28 | S. Francisco. ........0.....0. 0.96 | -05  -45, -55| -17 | -40 | -27 | —-32 
129 | S. Diego... 0.77 | -50  -68 | _48 | 24 | _39 730 | — 43 
1) Kodaikanal 10° 13’N, 77° 32’E. — 1) Heluan 29° 52’ N, 31° 20’E. — ®%) Entebbe 0° 5’N, 32° 29’E., — 2) Modena 37° 48’ N, 113° 
54’ W. — 2) Lander 42° 50’ N, 108° 45’ W. — 2%) Grand Junetion 39° 4’ N, 108° 34’ W, 
?Pazifische Küste, 
21 31 | L@ 0683. 22 | 0,87 067 12 
21 | 36 | 081, 0.66 | 12 | 11 | LO |>0.96 
4% | 58 | 0.80 ' 0.56 12 | 033 0.72 “ 0.95 
37 | 58 | 0.61 0,57 0.65| 0.79 0.69 0938| 
See- | Zahl |__.___Durchschnittliche Abweichung Korrelationskoeffizienten © 
aöhe | der Luftdruck Temperatur Kon- Einheit: 1 
Meter Jahre! mm Quecksilber Celsiusgrade Pk * 100 
H | n Y% | Y% | %n Y% | Y% | Ve | VD: % JF |MA | MI JA [SO | ND |Mittel 
130 | Eagle%) (Alaska) ...........| 249 | 21 2.5 LT | 41 | 26 ]| 12 4.3 | 10 | -48 | -54 | -44 40 -07 | 777.) 32 
131] Dawson. ...................] 320 | 29 | 26 | 15 | 44 | 23 0091| 40 11 | -58| -41 | 10! 27 -10 < — 28 
132 | Edmonton .................]| 658] 41 1,3 1.0 | 1.9 | 2.2 0.90 | 3.9 | 0.60 | —38 | —23 | -31' 19 | —28 | nl —28 
133| Prince Albert... .... 1.7] 437| 34 | 14 11 | 18 | 22 ! 12 | 3.3 | O6L | -53 | -38 | -19 21 -41' 7601 _32 
Ostabhang des Felsengebirges in den Vereinigten Staaten. 
134 | Cheyenne (Wyoming)........ | 1856 | 58 0.96 ] 0.68 | 1.2 | 15 | 10 2.0 | 0.64 ] 55 77 36; -21 52 | 51 42 
+ Denver (Colorado) ..........| 1613 | 58 | 0.95 0.71 | 12 | 16 | 0.98 | 22 | 0,59 | 1ı8| 57 17|-36 20| 281 ı7 
Nähere östliche Vorstufe des Felsengebirges in den Vereinigten Staaten. 
136 | North Platte 2) (Nebraska) ..| 860 | 56 | 0.99 | 0.79 | 1.2 | 1.8 | 1.2 | 2.7 | 0.55 | - 24 —06| -06 -56 -21. 05 —18 
130] Abilena?) (Tezas)..........]| 531] 45 | 0.84 0.62 | 10 | 14 ! 1J 19 | 0.61 | -41| -34| -56| -41 -56 -34 | -44 
Entfern*--e östliche Vorstufe des Feiser- «bır-es in Kanada und den Vereinigten Staaten. 
138 | Winnipeg ......0.000044++++] 773 45 " 12 | 0.80 | 1.6 | 5.3 | 12 | 33 | 0,52 | -54 | -36 | -08 | -14  -29 |-<59) 33 
139 | Omaha ....0.0.00000000 000000 7 58 4 | 0.76 | 13 | 2.0 12 : 3.0 | 0.53 | -53 | -33 | -01 | -59 | -39 | -33 | -36 
140 | Wichita (Kansas) ...........1 14) 36 , 10 0.73 13 | 17 | 15 | 23 | 0.59 | -43 | —33 | -13 | _78 | -41| -45| -42 
141 | Oklahoma. ............0...00+, 370 | 36 | 0.94 | 0.68 | 1.3 | 15 | 1.2 | 2.1 | 0.61 | -52' _24 | -30 46 44 _2928!| _87 
142 | Galveston... . I 16| 58 | 0.88 | 0.73 | 1.1 | 11 | 049 | 20 ' 0,77] -18| -20' -23' _12 | 437| -17| -2] 
ar> 943 
Mississipnmi-""* 8 und "me 
38 | A) “ | ‚8 1.2 
58 „1 0.77 4 | 2.0 | 1.3 
58 2.1 | 0,75 | 22 17 11 
58 1.0 0,67 1.3 17 12 |] 
51 0.92 | 0.69 | 1.2 [| 1.3 | 0.90 | 
53 11 | 0.79 | 2° | 16 10 | 
58 0.96 | 0.72 11 16 ' 1.1 
143) Moose Factory?) (Hudson-Bai) 
144 | S. Paul .......0.0000000000040 
145 | Chicag0 .........00000 000000 
46 | 8. LOUiS a00000000 000000000 
147 | Little Rock (Arkansas) ...... 
J48 | Cineinnati.......0..0..00000000 
(49 | Nashville ........, 2.0 204. 
Fortsetzung in Kanada, 
0.94 | -24, 33 -16 -02 20 | 439] —04 
0.56 | -58 | -31| 38 -11 -10| 140| _1ı9 
0.62 | 19 | -16 34, -11. 12 -07| -0L 
0.57 | -46 04 38 | 29 | -17 | -39  -16 
0.70 | -40 0383| 11 -24  -31| -—38 — 19 
66° _13 | 58 _22' 07| -011 08 
ı 0.62} -01 27' 281.28 07] -08 |. 04 
150 ! Hebron?®) (Labrador) .......' 
{51 SS, Johns (Neufundl.) ........ | 
Charlottetown (S. Lorenz-Golf) 
Sable-Insel?) (Neu-Schottl.). 
'54 Montreal........00.000000004 
‘5° Det e.. 
157 New York .......0.000001000 
158 Washington ............0.0400 | 
159, Kap Hatteras®)............ MW - 
160 Charleston ........0.000000044 ıF 9 
161 Key West%) (südl. v. Florida) ] PO 0E° 
162 | Bermuda-Insel .............1 46! 40 1.3 
163 | Honolulu ..... 2...) 32] a8 | 0750 
Atlan- che Gebiete. 
26 | 1.6 | 0,96 14 15 40 
13 12 8 09 20 49 ı _09 
1.2 | 0.90 „5 O 35 en 29 11 
0.93 0,84 20 25' 46 7 38 17 
0.93 14 . 0.90 LO -07 32 45 21 | 15 
0.87 VA LL 0.90 | 216. 29 06 14 -14 
229 .m | 1.0 0.75 -08 32 . 17 20 14 
0.77 '* 12 | 081 11 | 28| 33 58, 08 32 28 
0.79 * 273 | 0,89 0,901 12! 27° 50' 01: 17 | 28 
0.77 ° 11,057 7 LO 51 58| 27 15° 05! 43| 
0.74 1% 11 | 064 75 0921 48, 58 |-121;-23| 11: 3838| 
0.63 | 0.74] 0.76 | 0.49! 11 | 0.901 36 17. 08! -32 —-01 | -25 
0.97 1.6 | 0.68 0 06 2.0 | 60 5 */ _20' 36 | 40 
055 | 11 | 041 0035| 051! 18 25 | 27. -16| -59 44 361 
164] La Quiaca®?) (Nordgrenze von ı ' | | | 
Argentinieh) ............| 3461 | 29 | 0.56 | 0.57 |<0.59| 0.75 | 0.77 | 0.72) 0.75 54 52° 05 36; 0.6 | —40 / 19, 
165 | Areguipa (Süd-Peru) ........| 2450 | 26 0.24 | 0.24 ./<0.27] 0.53 0.50 0.64, 0.45 13 27; 12| -27! -29 | —07 | —-02 
ö6| Trinidad 10° 40’N ......... 22 | 34 0.39 | 0.39 | 0.44] 0.43 , 0.36 | 0.43, 0.91] -41 | -57. -30 | -30 | -23 | —-26 | —35 | 
| Georgetown 6° 50’ N........ 2] 44 | 0.47 | 0.43 | 0.52] 0.38 | 0.35! 0.43 1.2 43 | 13 | 28 _52 | _12 ‚09 | -08 
168 | Quixeramobim ®) (Brasilien) . ; ; 1 
5° 16 Srcrarnrsrusenuns 199 | 34 0.40 | 0.40 0.38| 0.61 ı 0.76 0,58 | 0.66 | -56 | —-61 | -50 | -34 -53 | -18 | — 45 
2) Eagle 64° 46’ N, 114° 12’ WW, — %) North Platte 41° 8’ N, 100° 45’ W, -— %) Abilene 32° 23’ N, 99° 40’ W. — 2?) Moose Factory 
51° 14’ N, 80° 30’ W. — 2%) Hebron 58° 12’ N, 62° 21’ W. — ?%) Sable-Insel 43° 57’ N, 60° 6’ W. — %) Kap Hatteras 35° 15’ N, 75° 40’ W. — 
1) Key West 24° 833’ N, 81° 48’ W. — 9 La Quiaca 22° 68. 65° 36’ W. — 3) Quixeramobim 5° 16’ 8, 39° 15’ W. 
Südamerika. Hochanden. 
(Fortsetzung der Tabelle 1 auf Tafel 1b.)

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