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Studienrat Dr. Margarete Gans: Das Hudsonmeer. 
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Rundall, Th. Narratives of Voyages towards the North- 
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Spencer, J. IV. The high continental elevation preceding 
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Spencer, J. W. On the focus of post-glacial uplift north 
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The Statesman’s Year-Book. London 1913. 
Stewart, J. W. Rep. on the Hydrographic Survey Branch. 
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Stone, A. J. On the Northwest passage and the Cireum 
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Stupart, R. F. The Climate of Canada. The Scott. Geogr. 
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Stupart, R. F. The Canadian Climate. Rep. of the 8th 
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Tarr, R. S. Evidence of Glaciation in Labrador and Baffin 
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