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Prof. Dr. C. Borgen: Ueber'die Auflösung nautisch-astronomischer Aufgaben etc. 
I. Dreieck PSS'. 
d = —10°10:83 
d' = —10 12.96 
t = +34 37.16 
d+d' = —20° 23^8 
/(d) = _ 614.0 
/(5') = - 616.3 
/(I) = —1230.3 
/(gi) = + 2.3 
s+s' == 186°19:o 
s-s’ = + 7.4 
s = 93 13.2 
s' = 93 5.8 
Co/(S) = +9965.1» 
co/(d + d') = -t- 5897.0» 
cofjs) = +4068.1 
cof (r) = + 4008.0 
cofd) = + 5951.8» 
cofih) = +27511,6 
Co/(.S+s') = — 9959.8» 
cofjs—s') = +23503.6 
cofjs) = — 193.3 
cofjsQ = — 185.9 
/(?) = — 379.2 
[* = 34° 3:2] 
Der Werth von s braucht nicht aufgesucht zu werden, weil nachher nur cofjs) gebraucht wird. 
II. Dreieck ZSS'. 
z = +52° 3:o 
z' = +39 19.1 
[ g — +34 3.2] 
z—Z — +12 43.9 
z+Z — +91 22.1 
cofjs) = +4068.1 
Cofjz—Z) =■ +7539.6 
cofjz+z') — — 82.1 
/(£) = +3471.5 
/(gi) +4150.2 
s+l> = 53° 15:7 s'-p' — 94° 12:0 
s — 93 13.2 s' — 93 5.8 
p = -39 57.5 p' — — 1 6.2 
cof (f) «r +2625.2 
co/(|0 — +2120.7 
2 cof {sPp) — +4745.9 
2 cofjs'—p’) = — 504.5 
co/(s+jp) = +2373.0 
cof(s’—p) = — 252.2 
lila. Dreieck PZS. 
z = +52° 3.'0 cofjz) = +2464.5 
d = -10 10.8 /(d) — - 614.0 
p = -39 57.5 
/(I) = +1850.5 
/(gt) = +3078.5 
a—t = 
-10 c 
55: 0 
a+t = 
45. 7 
t == 
a — 
cof(?) = 
= + 
/(^+d) - 
= +2771.3 
f(y) = +1825.7 
cof(p) = +3478.3» 
«/(£) — +4593.7 
co/Cgi) — +2982.3 
cofja-t) = +8072.0» 
cofja+t) = + 496.0» 
co/(0 = +3924.0» 
cof ja) — +2917.6» 
/(£) = +6841.6 
y = +29° 5+ 
£+d = 41° 52:2

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