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Full text: 4, 1881

IT. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington. 
No. 388: Potomac River. Sheet 1. Prom Entrance to Piney Point. 1:60 000. 
Published in 1868. Aids to navigation corrected to 1877. 
„ 389: Potomac River. Sheet 2. From Piney Point to Lower Cedar Point. 
1:60000. Published in 1868. Aids to navigation corrected to 1877. 
„ 390: Potomac River. Sheet 3. From Lower Cedar Point to Indian Head- 
1 : 60000. Published in 1862. Aids to navigation corrected to 1879. 
„ 391: Potomac River. Sheet 4. From Indian Head to Georgetown. 
1 :40 000. Published in 1862. Aids to navigation corrected to 1877. 
„ 431: Charleston Harbor and its Approaches. 1:30 000. Published in 
1870. Aids to navigation corrected to 1880. 
„ 490: Entrance to Pensacola Bay. Florida. 1:30 000. Published in 1859. 
Aids to navigation corrected to 1877. 
„ 510 1 —510 13 : Mississippi River, from Fort Jackson to Point Houmas. 
1 :20 000. Published in 1878. Preliminary charts in thirteen 
sheets, viz: 
510 1 : Fort Jackson to Point Pleasant, including Quarantine 
and Buras Settlement. 
510 2 : Point Pleasant to Little Texas, including Grand Prairie 
and Guyot Settlement. 
510 3 : Huling Tract to Point Celeste, including Point à la 
Hache, Barthelmy and Union Settlements. 
510 4 : Point Celeste to Beau Séjour, including Poverty Point. 
510 s : Beau Séjour to Stella Plantation, including Jesuit’s Bend. 
510 6 : Stella Plantation to Powder House, including English Turn. 
510 7 : Powder House to New Orleans. 
510 8 : New Orleans to Soniat Plantation, including Carrollton, 
Jefferson and Kenner ville. 
510 9 : Soniat Plantation to Myrtle Land Plantation, including 
St. Charles Railroad Station and Hahnville. 
510 10 : Myrtle Land Plantation to Reserve Plantation, including 
Bonnet Carré Point and Bonnet Carré. 
510 11 : Bonnet Carré to Grand View Beach, including Bell 
Point and Willow Bend. 
510 12 : Chapman Plantation to Brilliant Point, including College 
510 13 : St. James Estate to Point Houmas, including Brilliant 
Point and White Hall. 
No. 601: Reconnaissance of the western coast of the United States. Lower 
sheet. From San Francisco to San Diego. 1 : 1200 000. Edition of 
1878. Aids to navigation corrected to 1880. 
„ 602: Reconnaissance of the western coast of the United States. Middle 
sheet. From San Francisco to Umpquah River. 1:1200000. 
Edition of 1878. Aids to navigation corrected to 1880. 
„ 603 : Reconnaissance of the western coast of the United States. Northern 
sheet. From Umpquah River to the N.W. Boundary. 1:1200000. 
Published in 1855. Corrected to 1878. 
„ 606A: San Diego Bay. California. 1:20 000. Published in 1880. 
(Preliminary chart.) 
„ 621 : Entrance to San Francisco Bay. California. 1: 50 000. Published 
in 1859. Aids to navigation corrected to 1878. 
„ 668: Santa Monica. California. 1:20 000. Published in 1876. 
„ 675: Pacific coast from Point Pinos to Bodega Head. California. 
1:200 000. Published in 1862. Aids to navigation corrected 
to 1878. 
7Ó5: Alaska and adjoining Territory. 1:3500000. Published in 1869. 
Herr C.P. Patterson, Super 
intendent d. Survey Office. 

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