Negative Surges in the Southern Baltic Sea
Table Index
Table 2.2. a
Negative surges in the western and central parts of the southern Baltic Sea
coast in 1958-2005 (data from 1 h/4 h time series, where at least 4 stations
record levels below 440 cm)
Table 2.2. b
Lowest sea levels recorded in the western and central parts of the southern
Baltic Sea coast
Table 3.1. a
Statistical indicators for mean and low sea level: coefficient of linear regression
and correlation with time series of annual MSL values
Table 3.1. b
Correlation coefficient between stations: lower left, annual mean sea levels;
upper right, annual 240 h low water levels.
Table 3.1. c
Correlation coefficient between stations: lower left, annual minimum sea levels;
upper right, annual 72 h low water levels.
Table 3.3.
Gumbel probability of low sea levels in m below mean sea level (MSL=5 m)
computed in 2007/2008 for recurrence intervals T (years)