Figure Index
Fig. 5.16. b Route of the low pressure centre from 3 December 00 UTC to 5 December
00 UTC, pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea on 4 December
1999, 00 UTC 54
Fig. 5.16. c Pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea on 6 December 1999,
18 UTC 55
Fig. 5.16. d Variations of sea level decrease during the storm of 1-4 December 1999 55
Fig. 5.16. e Variations of sea level decrease during the storm of 6-7 December 1999 56
Fig. 5.17. a Route of the depression centre from 14 November 18 UTC to 16 November
06 UTC, 2001, pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea on
15 November 2001, 12 UTC 57
Fig. 5.17. b Variations of sea level decrease during the storm of 15-16 November 2001 57
Fig. 5.18. a Route of the depression centre from 06 UTC on 20 to 12 UTC on 22 December
2001, pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea on 21 December
2001,00 UTC 58
Fig. 5.18. b Variations of sea level decrease during the storm surge of
20 to 21 December, 2001 59
Fig. 5.19. a Route of the low pressure centre from 7 January 18 UTC to 10 January
00 UTC 2005, pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea, 9 January,
00 UTC, 2005 60
Fig. 5.19. b Variations of sea level decrease during the storm surge of 8 to 9 January, 2005 60