Negative Surges in the Southern Baltic Sea
Fig. 5.2. b Variations of sea level decrease during the storm of 18-19 January 1960 32
Fig. 5.3. a Route of the depression centre from 29 January 18 UTC to 31 January 1961,
and pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea on 30 January 1961,
00 UTC 33
Fig. 5.3. b Variations of sea level decrease during the storm of 27 to 31 January 1961 34
Fig. 5.4. a Route of the low pressure centre from 11 February 18 UTC to 12 February
12 UTC 1962, pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea on
12 February 1962, 12 UTC 35
Fig. 5.4. b Variations of sea level decrease during the storm of 11 -12 February 1962 35
Fig. 5.5. a Route of the depression centre from 06 UTC on 5 December to 18 UTC on
6 December, pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea on
6 December 1965, 00 UTC 36
Fig. 5.5. b Variations of sea level decrease during the storm of 5 to 6 December 1965 37
Fig. 5.6. a Route of the depression from 16 October 18 UTC to 18 October 18 UTC,
pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea on 17 October 1967,
18 UTC 38
Fig. 5.6. b Variations of sea level decrease during the storm of 17-19 October 1967 38
Fig. 5.7. a Pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea on 9 March 1969, 00 UTC 39
Fig. 5.7. b Variations of sea level decrease during the storm of 8-9 March 1969 40
Fig. 5.8. a Route of the depression from 6 January 12 UTC to 7 January 12 UTC,
pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea on 7 January 1979, 12 UTC 41
Fig. 5.8. b Variations of sea level decrease during the storm of 6-8 January 1979 41
Fig. 5.9. a Pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea on 4 November 1979,
12 UTC 42
Fig. 5.9. b Variations of sea level decrease during the storm of 3-5 November 1979 43
Fig. 5.10. a Route of the low pressure centre from 23 November 12 UTC to 25 November
1981,06 UTC, pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea on
24 November 1981,00 UTC 44
Fig. 5.10. b Variations of sea level decrease during the storm of 24-25 November 1981 44
Fig. 5.11. a Route of the depression centre from 5 November 00 UTC to 6 November
18 UTC, pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea on 6 November
1985, 12 UTC 45
Fig. 5.11. b Variations of sea level decrease during the storm of 6 November 1985 46
Fig. 5.12. a Route of the depression centre from 25 January 00 UTC to 27 January
00 UTC, pressure pattern and wind field on 26 January 12 UTC, 1990 47
Fig. 5.12. b Variations of sea level decrease during the storm of 26-27 January 1990 47
Fig. 5.13. a Route of the low pressure centre from 26 February 00 UTC to 28 February
00 UTC, pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea on 27 February
1991,00 UTC 49
Fig. 5.13. b Variations of sea level decrease during the storm of 26-27 February 1990 49
Fig. 5.14. a Route of the low pressure centre from 09 UTC on 13 January to 00 UTC
15 January 1993, pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea at
06 UTC on 14 January 1993 50
Fig. 5.14. b Variations of sea level decrease during the storm of 13-14 January 1993 51
Fig. 5.15. a Pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea on 16 February 1996,
00 UTC 52
Fig. 5.15. b Variations of sea level decrease during the storm of 15-17 February 1996 52
Fig. 5.16. a Route of the low pressure centre from 29 November 18 UTC to 2 December
06 UTC, pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea on 1 December
1999, 00 UTC 54