Aus dem Archiv der Deutschen Seewarte — 1897 No. 4 —
Diues, W. H., Mutual influence of two pressure plates
and a comparison of large and small plates. Quart.
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Dines, W. H., On the variation of the pressure caused
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Diues, W. H., Note on experiments on pressure of wind.
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Dines, W. H., Measurement of wind-velocity. Am. Met.
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Dines, W. H., Wind measurement. Am. Met Journ.,
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Dines, W. H., On the pressure of wind on curved vanes.
Proc. R. Soc., Vol. 50.
Dines, W. H., Anemometer comparisons. Quart. Journ.,
Vol. 18, 165.
Dines, W. H., Remarks on the measurement of the maxi
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Vol. 19, 16.
Dines, W. H., On the duration and lateral extent of
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Dohrandt, F., Bestimmung der Anemometer-Konstanten.
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Harding, C., Diversity of scales for registering the force
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