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Full text: 44: System Nordsee - Zustand 2005 im Kontext langzeitlicher Entwicklungen

System Nordsee 
Marine Chemistry 
Fig. 4-23: Temporal evolution since 1995 of a- (3-, andy-HCH concentrations nearStade (Elbe 
River) 186 
Fig. 4-24: Trends in a- and y-HCH concentrations in the German Bight. Annual mean bullets 
with samples/yr; »halflifes« h (j ) follow from time constants k (j) through ln(0.5)/k (j ) 187 
Fig. 4-25: Geographical distribution of TOC contents of surface sediments in the German Bight 
in May 2005 191 
Fig. 4-26: F1CF1-, DDD-, and CB153 concentrations relative to dry weight (top) and total organic 
carbon (bottom) in surface sediment of the German Bight in May 2005 192 
Fig. 4-27: Pollution sightings in the German Bight in 2005 194 
Fig. 4-28: Different n-Alkane patterns in near-surface sea water of the German Bight in August 
2005. Background concentrations with remnants of bio- and petrogenic Alkanes (Entel), 
high fractions from terrestrial plants (Stade/Elbe River), from algae metabolites (Station 8), 
and due to oil spill (SWWBA). Cf. Fig. 4-18, p. 178 for a station map and Fig. 4-29, p. 197. 196 
Fig. 4-29: Geographical distribution of total concentration of n-Alkanes from C 2 o to C 30 for 
near-surface sea water (5 m) of the North Sea in August / September 2005. Red figures stand 
for local CPI 197 
Fig. 4-30: Geographical distribution of concentrations ofn-Alkanes C 13 to C 19 for near-surface 
sea water (5 m) of the German Bight in August/September 2005. Column heights in ng/L, 
underneath columns station IDs 198 
Fig. 4-31: Same as Fig. 4-30, but for entire North Sea 199 
Fig. 4-32: Geographical distribution of C 17 concentrations for near-surface sea water (5 m) of 
the German Bight in May/June and August / September2005 200 
Fig. 4-33: Concentrations of some PAFIs in near-surface water (5 m) of the German Bight in 
May /June 2005. Column heights in ng/L, underneath columns station IDs 202 
Fig. 4-34: Same as Fig. 4-33, except for August / September 2005 and entire North Sea 203 
Fig. 4-35: Mean PAFI concentration pattern in sediment samples from the German Bight... 204 
Fig. 4-36: B[a]P concentrations in surface sediments of the German Bight. 205 
Fig. 4-37: Concentrations (ng/L) of some triazine herbicides in near-surface sea water of the 
German Bight in August/September 2005 208 
Fig. 4-38: Same as Fig. 4-37, but for entire North Sea 209 
Fig. 4-39: Concentrations (ng/L) of some phenyl urea herbicides in near-surface sea water of the 
North Sea in August/September 2005 210 
Fig. 4-40: Seasonal evolution in 2005 of selected pesticides in the Elbe River at Blankenese, re 
spectively Stade (May, 25 and August, 10) 213 
Fig. 4-41: Ratio of dissolved to total metal concentration (%) for sea water in the German Bight 
proper. Boxstatistics are based on winter samples from 2000 - 2005 221 
Fig. 4-42: Spatial distributions of cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc concentration in filtrated 
near-surface sea water along with suspended particulate matter concentration and salinity 
in January 2005. Crosses indicate sampling sites 222 
Fig. 4-43: Zinc concentration (dissolved fraction) in coastal (30 < salinity < 32) and remote 
(s > 34) near-surface sea water of the German Bight 224 
Fig. 4-44: Mean spatial distribution of relative grain size fraction (<20 pm) as compiled from 
surface sediment samples from the period 1995 - 2005 226 
Fig. 4-45: Location map of sediment stations (blue) used in trend monitoring. (Buoy E3 is a 
dumping site for sediments from Ftamburg Flarbour since 2005, cf. p. 229.) 226 
Fig. 4-46: Mercury content in the fine grain fraction (< 20 pm) of surface sediments around Flel-

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