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Full text: Jahresbericht 1872

Stockholm .. 
Akademie der 
Kon. Ned. Met. 
Washington. ! The TJ. S, Naval 
■ Observatory. 
K. K. Central- 
anstalt für 
Monthly charts of Meteorological Observations for No. 3 
square, extending from the Equator to 10° North and 
from 20—30“ West. 
Remarks to accompany the monthly charts etc. 
; On the winds of the North Atlantic Ocean along the 
tracks of steamers from the channel to Newyork. 
Translated from No. 111. of the »Mittheilungen aus 
der Norddeutschen Seewarte. 
Quarterly Weather Report, Oct. — Dec. 1870. Official No. 9. 
» » » Jan. — March 1871. Off. No. 14. 
A Discussion of the Meteorology of the Part of the Atlantic 
lying north of 30° N. for the eleven days ending 
8. iebr. 1870. Official No. 18. 
G. v. Boguslawski; Anhang zu den Verhandlungen der 
polytechnischen Gesellschaft zu Stettin für 1871. Zur 
Witterungskunde von Stettin No. 4. 
Meteorologiska Jaktagelser sverige of Er. Edlnnd. Tiönde 
Bandet 1868. 
Dieselben für 1869. 
» » 1870. 
Bulletin Météorologique Mensuel. Oct . Nov. 1871. Voi. III. 
nebst Titelblatt für Voi. III. 
Dasselbe. Oct. 1869 von Voi. I. 
Dasselbe. Dec. 1871, Januar. Februar bis Juni 1872 
[ Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Jaarboek voor 1871. I. Deel. 
Reizen van Australie naar Java enz. II. Deel. Druck, 
Temperatimi - van het Zeewater aan de oppervlakte 
van het gedeelto van den Noorder Atlantischen Ocean 
gelegen tuschen 30—52 0 Noorderbreedo en 0—50° 
Rear-Admiral B, F. Sands. LI. S. N. Reports on the total 
Solar Eclipse of Dec. 22. 1870. 
Commodore B F. Sands, Ü. S. N. Astronomical and 
Meteorological Observations made at the F. S. Naval 
Observatory during the year 1868. 
Idem during the year 1869. 
Rear-Admiral B. F. Sands, Superintendent ; Washington 
Zones 1846 - 49. 
List of Lighthouses, lighted Beacons and floating Lights 
of the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Coasts of the L T nited 
States Survey. Jan. 1. 1872. 
Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian 
Institution for 1870. 
Annual Report of the Chief Signal Officer to the Secretary 
of war for the fiscal year ended June 30. 1871. 
Reports on Observations of Encke’s Comet during its 
return in 1871. 
Papers relating to the transit of Venus in 1874. 
Osservazioni della stazione meteorologica nell’ J. R. Aka- 
demia di marina pubblicato dal R. Governo marittimo 
in Fiume. Mese di Oct , Nov., Dec. 1871 e 1872 
Januar — Juni. 
Osservazioni meteorologiche dell’ J. R. Akademia di Com 
mercio e Nautica in Trieste. Mese di 1871 Nov, 
Dee. e 1872 Januar — October und Jabresübersicht für 
Lemberg, Met. Beobachtungen. 1871 Oct. — Dec., 1872 
Januar — Juli 
Krakau, Met. Beobachtungen. 1871 Nov.—Dec., 1872 

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