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Full text: Köppen-Heft der Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie

Ergebnisse der meteorologischen Beobachtungen von Hamburg im System der Deutschen Seewarte für die 50 Jahre 1876 bis 1925. Von C, Gentzen (s. S. 33). 
Feuchtigkeit | Bewölkungsgrad Niederschlag | Zahl der Tage 
Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum relative N Maxim en Absolutes Monats- 
| 80Vm. [2b Nm. Sb Nm] Mittel nn A [8mym. lahm. 81 Nm |Mittel Jsumme _ Maximum 
Mittel labsot. Datum Mittel labso1. Datum Mittel | absol. |p 4. / Mittel| absol. |n.41, {Sm Nm SON, Mittel Sn u Min. Mittel #301 Datum Max. Jahr | Min | ah 
nn | Co co co C° | Cc° Co 1 C° Co mm | mm | mm | mm % % % % % 10—1010—1010—10 lo— 10] mm mm |mm/| mm mm 
» Häufigkeit der Windrichtungen 
— und Stillen in % 
| Sonnenschein Elbwasser 
. Mittl. | Mittl 1 T 
Dauer Dauer| Zahl | Mittl. | Absol. | Absol. 
N |so| 0 |so| s |sw. W NW Stile| in |" | m |Temp.| Max, | Min. 
Stun- | 
den mög ohne 8bVm., 85 Vm. 8b Vm. 
Mittel | 
‚Bewölkung ' 
[0x 4 2| unter! über |» 
AA X |A A| = 20 | 80 
| heit.) (trüb. 
60.8 | 76.7 || 84.9 |29. 93 | 39.3 I 26.7 | 9. 86 
63.0 | 78.2 | 92.6 23. 07] 39.8 | 29.6 24. 84 
61.7 | 75.5 | 86.3 | 1. 82| 42.4 | 25.0| 9. 89 
612 | 768 | 92.6 23. 1.1 40.5 | 25.0| 9. 2. 
—— | 07 . 29 
März 59.4 | 71.4 | 82.6| 4. 83| 41.3 | 24.1 |12. 76| 
April 60.0 | 71.1 | 79.9 | 4. 09| 45.3 | 37.3 | 1. 97 
Mai 61.0 | 71.0 | 77.5 | 4. 09 | 483 | 39.8111. 98 
Frühling " 60.1 ' 71.2 | 826 4. 3. | 45.0 | 24.1112. 3.' 
8 76 
Tuni 61.1 68.9 | 75.011. 19 | 49.8 40.4 25. 04 
Juli 60.1 | 68.1 | 73.7 |10. 11 | 50.1 | 42.0 12. | 
August | 69.2 | 72.5 1. 99| 48.7 | 41.5 29. 05 
Sommer 60.5 ' 68.7 | 75.0/11. 6.| 49.5 wa 6. 
— 90 2 
September 61.6 , 71.9 | 76.022. 12| 48.3 | 35.811. 03 
Oktober 4 60.3 | 72,3 ] 82.1 | 6. 77 | 43.9 | 31.1! 6. 01 
be 61.4 | 75.0 | 84.5 21. 15| 41.0 | 26.8 (29. 97 
Herbst | 611 | 73.1 | 845 |21.11.| 44.4 | 26.8 29.11. 
Et, 151. 97 
Jahr | na] 72.4 | 92.6 | 28. u 44.8 24.1 |12. 3. 
07 76° | 
„e| 94 1261. 14]— 7.6] —19.8/25, 76 
02 | 84| 132 9. 77|— 96 | —18.418. w 
11 | 95" 15.1 10. 99|— 7.6|—168 7. 95 
10’ 9.1 151/10. 2 '— 8.3 | —19.825.12 
99 | 76 
5'| 56| 36) 32 139 20.1 26, 083|— 49|_—12.1| 2, 86 
61| 102 | 78| 75] 181 | 27.6 30. 13|— 1.2 |-- 5.6 5. 11 
11.4| 15.3 | 12,6 | 12.4 | 25.8 ' 31.7 27.92] 22]— 1.1| 4. 08 
65| 2104| sol z7l a8" 817 27.5 — 1.3] —121 2.3 
14,7| 18.4 | 16.1. 15.4 26.7 38.1 |9.1° 69) 4816. 16 
16.3 | 19.7 | 17,5 | 17.2 | 27.9 | 33.5 |14. 23 9.4| 7.223. 13) 
15.2| 19.1 | 16.8 | 162 | 268 | 32.1 |2.21 92) 57311 
15.4| 19.1 | 168" 163! 27.1 335 [14.7 8.5] 48166 
7 ‘16 
12.2| 163 | 13.8 13€ 224 30.0 |12.20| 5.6| 1.326. 77y 9.3: 94 | 94 221 83 269 81 2. 64 66 dt 
76! 10.6| 9.1) 8.7 | 182 ] 22.6 4.08| 0o2/— 4031.20[ 7.2) 76| 7.6| 75, 92 , 77 | 86 | 85 |3ı] 76| 72 | 63 
32| 55| 42] 40| 12.21 17.3 15. 99|- 46 —13.527. 90] 54| 58| 56 | 91 | 94 s9 | 88 | 251 79 6 72 
77| 10.8| 90) ssl| 17.61 30.0 j12, 9. 04 521] 731 77! 76 z5l 90 | so | 85 | sa 25h 73 zul Gl 
25| 106 | 8.7 | 84 183 | 335 [16.7 — 0.2 > | z4| 74] zales | za | zoll sı la 
i ] } :%6 | 
63.4 13.0 | 33.3 26. 13 149.0| 80 5.” 
534 | 11.2 | 25.3| 8. 16| 196.5 | 16 3,3 
472 | 11.5 | 20.9 12. 18| 112.9 | 77 / 63 
164.0 " 11.9 | 33.3 26.12. 1 196.5 1 161 333 
51.8 , 11.3 | 27.0| 9. 14|133.2| 14 104 10 33 | ..5| 1.3) 0,6| 8.3| 2,6|14.2| 3.27 8.4| 8.8/12.2| 14.5| 7.5/17.4|16.2|12.7| 2.3 9945| 25.4 30 4 1108| 0.0 
45.7 | 11.0 | 22.010. 85| 111.7 18 | 2383| 93 | 16.2 | 2.6/ 2.6| 1.5| 46 3.4|110| 1.6 |10.3/ 13.4/ 13.6) 11.9) 5.4/| 2.0 | 157.4) 37.61 44] 87| 168 | 24 
52,9 | 149 | 40.8 23, 24] 119.6 98 | 7.1 | 05 | 155 0215| 2.3| 22 42 9.0!1 [10.6 143/11.7 11.6| 5.6/ 13.3) 14,5)17.2 | 1.2 | 213.4) 43.0 | 25| 1444| 21.1 85 
150.4 | 12.4 / 408 23. 5.) 133,2 11 14! 2,3 11V 98% 50.0 103 67 44/15.1| 102 34.2| 6.0° 9.8 12.2 125 12.7| 6.2l15.0 15.3'14.6 1 18" 4653| 353! 169% sa| 211| 0.0 
68.5 ı 19.1 | 85,6 |17. 79, 174.7| 70 7 67 ii. 183, 248 126 
86.0 | 23.4 | 78.6 26. 81 | 165.8 | 14 2 85 2.6 | 19.4 | 24.1 | 145 
80.6 | 19.3 | 69.4 4. 10| 167.1 | 18 / 262 | 87 18 | 18.6 | 238 | 14,8 
235.1 | 20.6 | 856 17 6.1 174.7 VI 791 9,7 vr 87 63 ' 18.8 | 248 | 12.6 
5.1 , 62.6) 17.4 | 65.9 118. 15 | 1532| 25 , %3; 07 | 152 0.0! 0.4) 1.5| 65/ 3.8| 9.6|1.4 %0| 68)10.0)12.8| 7.2218 168128 4.3) 1439| 37.9 3... 15.6 | 22.7 | 103 
70 | 66.0 | 15.0 | 28.2 | 5. 17| 1646| 80 | 62| 20 | 188 | 0.7| 1.0/ 0.5/10.6' 2.4|14.6| 3.4 5.8) 68/14.2| 16.8| 9.8) 21.4 14.4 mM 34 | 888 27.1 9.0| 10.2 161| 38 
76 | 526| 12.6 | 30.511. 14| 1170| ı2 | 34| 02 | 17.6 | 3.4| 1.0| 0.3 12.5) 1.9| 168! 3.2" 8.0 W 11,8/ 18.7 9,8/ 23.6 wa 78/ 32 [ 38.9 15.1 | 15.7 | 49] 102) 00 
6.9 * 181.2 | 15.0 | 65.918. 9. 1646| X 80] 3.4|XI 02° 51.6 | 41 24 2.3129.6 8.1| 41.0] 8.4 ss 6.2 120 16.1| 8.9 22.2/ 15.0 9,31. ul 271.6 26.7 | 28.5 | 10.2 | 22.7 | 0.0 
; 15 
72 72 63 69 | | 15.0 | 85.6 1.6. si 116 | 23 1 204 163 140 209 85.6| 31.6 [159.4 29.4" 76 7.8/ 10.9 140 72 19 170 13.1 2.4 |1381.9/ 283 [oc 9,8 48) 0.0 
i ‘ | | | | 
471 4, BO] 4, 87 a 3° 73, 73 | 6.1 | 69 
58| 58| 60| 5359| 8 | 62 | 74 7% 217 66 69 | 56 | 64 
77 | 2.7] 78| 7.7] 76 | 59 / 71 | 69 ] x | 6.1. 64 | 55 | 60 
61] 62! 63) 62! 81 65 | 76 | 74 | 21 67 | 69 | 5.7 | 64 
62 , 65 | 58 
68 | 72 | 63 | 
69 | 69 | 62 
66 | 69 | 81 

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