sediment content
yellow substances
aerosol-optical thickness
regionally limited to
Baltic Sea
North Sea
Adriatic Sea
Gulf of Cadiz
Canary Basin with upwelling zone
Lake Constance
Contribution by Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Westküste (FTZ),
- Research and Technology Centre West Coast -
FTZ in Biisum is an interdisciplinary, central institution of Christian-Albrecht-University, Kiel,
whose activities concentrate on regional marine, coastal, and ecosystem research. Apart from
basic research, FTZ carries out application-based projects and technological developments.
The different groups apply an interdisciplinary approach to their investigations and co-operate
with external institutions and groups of researchers, as well as with their ’’parent institutions”
at Kiel University, the institutions of other universities, national research centres and
authorities in Schleswig-Holstein (Wadden Sea National Park authority, national agency for
nature and the environment, offices for agriculture and hydrology in Heide and Husum), as
well as Federal institutions.
FTZ-P1 - Measuring methods and factors controlling plankton development in coastal
- development of innovative measuring techniques for the rapid determination of
phytoplankton stocks, composition, and production
determination of the factors controlling phytoplankton dynamics in the coastal waters and
mechanisms of algal bloom development with a view to process formulation and
prognostic modelling medium-term observation of plankton development in the Wadden
Sea in order to assess water quality and eutrophication status, perform trend analyses and
efficiency control.
Present scientific knowledge
Eutrophication of coastal waters with its undesirable effects continues to be a major problem
of environmental policy. Knowledge of the abiotic and biotic functional interactions that lead
to an increased formation of primary organic material is indispensable for an assessment of