determination of phytoplankton, sediment, yellow substances, and atmospheric scatter
regular provision of level-2 data products from MOS data and user support.
Possible applications are in
monitoring tasks (BSH, IOW etc)
oceanographic research
investigation of suspended matter input, pollutant loads, and sedimentation processes
bioproductivity models
investigation of aerosol transports
Present scientific knowledge
Since March 1996, the imaging spectrometer MOS flown on the IRS-P3 satellite has been in
operation, transmitting remotely sensed data primarily of the ocean/atmosphere and coastal
zones. With its extraordinary spectral, radiometric and spatial resolution, this spectrometer
offers unique ocean research capabilities, especially in the investigation of coastal zone
phenomena which are characterized by the simultaneous occurrence and variability of different
water-borne substances.
Since under such conditions the ’’traditional” colour ratios are not applicable, special
hyperspectral algorithms have been developed at DLR for the quantitative determination of
water-borne substances, which are currently being adjusted and validated for various
European coastal waters (Baltic Sea, North Sea, European Mediterranean coast). In the
course of the mission, the available data will be processed to Level 2 products both currently
and retrospectively and will be made available to the users. The first areas covered will be:
Baltic Sea, in co-operation with the Baltic Sea Research Institute IOW, Warnemünde
North Sea, in co-operation with GKSS
Adriatic Sea, in co-operation with JRC Ispra
South Spanish coast, in co-operation with CICEM
Canary Basin/upwelling zone, in co-operation with ICCM
Lake Constance
Because of the high spectral resolution and large number of MOS channels, a definite
improvement in the resolution and accuracy of the derived physical parameters has already
been achieved. This will also be useful in later applications involving MERIS data from
Observation and investigation methods
The operation, data reception, and archiving for MOS-IRS is carried out jointly by DLR and
India’s ISRO. The evaluation algorithms were developed at the DLR Institute for Space
Sensor Technology and are currently being validated for specific regional and seasonal factors.
The implementation for the regular provision of Level-2 products is performed jointly by DFD
and the JRC Ispra, Space Applications Institute.
Products and Services
In line with the repetition rate of MOS (about 14 days) the following products will be
provided step by step:
level IB (calibrated, referenced TOA radiances) for all available reception areas