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Full text: 19: German programme contribution to the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)

BFA-P5 Impact of marine pollution on fish stocks and health, also with a view to 
pathological changes 
- diseases and parasites of ecologically important fishes and invertebrates of the Baltic, North 
Sea, and adjacent sea areas 
- influence of marine pollution on the reproduction success of fishes and invertebrates; 
malformation frequency of pelagic fish embryos 
- investigation into contaminant-induced pathological changes to the inner organs of flatfish 
BFA-P6 Input and transport of radionuclides, heavy metals and other contaminants in 
the marine ecosystem 
- radioactive contamination of water, fishes, and mussels 
- determination of concentration, enrichment and distribution of inorganic and organic 
contaminants, e.g. heavy metals, heavy metal compounds, organochlorine compounds, in 
fishes and other marine organisms 
- radionuclides in the Iberian deep sea 
BFA-P7 Biological effects monitoring 
Application of biological effects monitoring methods 
BFA-P8 Estimating the impact of climate changes on agricultural, forestal, and marine 
- investigation of climate changes in the Northwest Atlantic 
- influence of climate changes on the abundance and composition of fish populations 
- influence of medium-term temperature changes on North Sea fish stocks

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