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Full text: 42: Fifth Workshop on Baltic Sea Ice Climate Hamburg, Germany

History of Baltic Sea Ice Climate Workshops 
Haapala, J., P. Alenius, J. Dubra, S.V. Klyachkin, T. Kouts, M. Lepparanta, A. Omstedt, L. 
Pakstys, N. Schmelzer, C. Schrumm, A. Seina, K. Strubing, M. Sztobryn and E. 
Zaharchenko, 1996. Ida. Ice data bank for Baltic Sea climate studies. Report No. 35, 
249 p. Department of Geophysics, University of Helsinki. 
Jarvet, A. (ed.) 1999. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on the Baltic Sea Ice Climate. 
Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis 84, 179 p. University of 
Tartu, Department of Geography, Tartu, Estonia. 
Jevrejeva, S., V.V. Drabkin, J. Kostjukov, A.A. Lebedev, M. Lepparanta, Ye. U. Mironov, N. 
Schmelzer and M. Sztobryn, 2002. Ice time series of the Baltic Sea. Report Series in 
Geophysics No. 44. Division of Geophysics, University of Helsinki. 
Jevrejeva, S., V.V. Drabkin, J. Kostjukov, A.A. Lebedev, M. Lepparanta, Ye. U. Mironov, N. 
Schmelzer, M. Sztobryn, 2004. Baltic Sea ice seasons in the twentieth century. Climate 
Research 25, 217-227. 
Lepparanta, M. and J. Haapala (eds.) 1993. Proceedings of the First Workshop on the Baltic 
Sea Ice Climate. Report Series in Geophysics No. 27. Department of Geophysics, 
University of Helsinki. 
Omstedt, A. and L. Axell (eds.) 2003. Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on the Baltic Sea 
Ice Climate. SMHI Oceanografi No. 72, 2003, Norrkoping. 
Schrum, C. (ed.) 2006. Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on the Baltic Sea Ice Climate. 
University of Hamburg, in preparation. 
Sztobryn, M. (ed.) 2002. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on the Baltic Sea Ice Climate. 84 
p. Instytut meteorologii i gospodarki wodnej, Oddzial Baltycki polskiego towarzystwa 
geofizycnego, Warsawa.

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