Marine Chemistry
Nordseezustand 2004
waters. These enhanced concentrations are attributable chiefly to the presence of re
suspended material from highly polluted sediments of the Irish Sea and recent dis
charges of the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant. Spatial distributions of 90 Sr activ
ity contained a characteristic riverine signal, which concurrently peaked with Elbe
River discharge rates in March.
On average, the total effective dose per person and year in Germany is 4 mSv, half of
which is attributable to medical treatments, especially x-ray diagnostics. Radioactive
contamination of the North Sea may contribute to radiative exposure of the population
but through the pathway consumption of fish and other seafood. An average consump
tion of 14 kg per year would result in an effective dose of at most 0.2 pSv/a, which is
far below the »trivial dose< of 10 pSv/a as defined in the German Radiation Protection
Ordinance. As the enrichment of radionuclides in the food chain does not contribute
significantly to the total exposure of humans, this is likely to apply to flora and fauna in
the North Sea as well.