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Full text: 40: Nordseezustand 2004

Marine Chemistry 
Nordseezustand 2004 
Fig. 4-33: Concentrations (ng/L) of some triazine herbicides in near-surface sea water of the 
German Bight in July/August 2004 167 
Fig. 4-34: Concentrations (ng/L) of some phenylurea herbicides in near-surface sea water of the 
German Bight in July/August 2004 169 
Fig. 4-35: Seasonal evolution in 2004 of selected pesticides in the Elbe River at Stade (May 
through July), respectively Blankenese 170 
Fig. 4-36: Concentration ratios (Aug/May 2004) of selected pesticides in the German Bight and 
at Stade (Elbe River). As to geographical positions cf. Fig. 4-34, p. 169 170 
Fig. 4-37: Ratio of dissolved to total metal concentration (%) for sea water in the German Bight 
proper. Boxstatistics are based on winter samples from 1999 - 2004 777 
Fig. 4-38: Spatial distributions of zinc and cadmium concentration in filtrated near-surface sea 
water in February 2004. Crosses indicate sampling sites 178 
Fig. 4-39: Lead concentration in coastal near-surface sea water of the German Bight (28 < salin 
ity < 30) for dissolved (top) and particulate (bottom) dry weight fraction 179 
Fig. 4-40: Cadmium concentrations in winter in filtrated near-surface sea water from the Ger 
man Bigh t. Only samples with an associated salinity above 34 were used. 180 
Fig. 4-41: Mean spatial distribution of relative grain size fraction (< 20 pm) as compiled from 
surface sediment samples from the period 1995 - 2004 181 
Fig. 4-42: Location map of sediment stations used in trend monitoring 182 
Fig. 4-43: Spatial distributions of iron and mercury content in the fine grain fraction (<20 pm) 
of surface sediments in February 2000 184 
Fig. 4-44: Spatial distribution of mercury content in the fine grain fraction (<20 pm) of surface 
sedimen ts in February 2000 185 
Fig. 4-45: Mercury content in the fine grain fraction (< 20 pm) of surface sediments southeast of 
Flelgoland (>KS<, cf. Fig. 4-42, p. 182) 186 
Fig. 4-46: Time series of annual maximum activity concentrations of 137 Cs and 90 Sr at former 
positions of out-of-operation light vessels >Borkumriff< and >Elbe 1< 192 
Fig. 4-47: Distribution of 137 Cs and 90 Sr activity concentrations in near-surface sea water of the 
German Bight during 2004. Underneath columns station IDs 193 
Fig. 4-48: Distributions of activity concentration of 239,240 Pu (top) and the Plutonium activity 
ratio 238 Pu to 239 ' 240 p u i n near-surface sea water of the German Bight during 2004 194 
Fig. 4-49: Distribution of activity concentration of transuranic 241 Am in near-surface sea water 
of the German Bigh t during 2004 195

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