List of Figures
Nordseezustand 2004
Fig. 4-11: Chlorophyll concentration (jug/L) in near-surface and -bottom water of the North Sea
in summer 2004 (note log 2 color scale) 131
Fig. 4-12: Oxygen saturation (%) in near-surface and -bottom water of the North Sea in summer
2004 132
Fig. 4-13: DON and DOP concentration (jumol/L) in near-surface and -bottom water of the
North Sea in summer 2004 134
Fig. 4-14: C:N ratio (M/M) in near-surface and -bottom water of the North Sea in summer 2004.
Fig. 4-15: Vertical profiles along 56° N in summer 2004 (RV Gauß, cruise #425) of chlorophyll,
various nutrients, and oxygen 136
Fig. 4-16: Annual cycles of nutrient concentrations (jumol/L) at Helgoland Roads versus clima
tology. 138
Fig. 4-17: Observational network for contaminant monitoring in the German Bight. 142
Fig. 4-18: Geographical distributions of a- ¡3-, and y-HCH concentrations (ng/L) for near-sur-
face sea water (5 m) of the German Bight in May and August 2004 144
Fig. 4-19: Geographical distributions of the concentration ratio a-HCH to y-HCH in near-sur-
face sea water (5 m) of the German Bight in May and August 2004 145
Fig. 4-20: HCH-concentration vs. salinity in near-surface sea water of the German Bight in May
2004; crossed and dashed symbols indicate a/y-ratio < 0.4 (+) and >0.7 (-), cf. Fig. 4-19....
Fig. 4-21: Temporal evolution since 1987 of a- and y-HCH concentrations at station Elbe 1 (ex
T41). Figures inside bullets give month of observation (1,2,3, ...,0,N,D) 147
Fig. 4-22: Temporal evolution since 1995 of a- ¡3-, and y-HCH concentrations nearStade (Elbe
River) 148
Fig. 4-23: Trends in a-and y-HCH concentrations in the German Bight. Annual mean bullets
with samples/yr; time constants k^yield»halflifes« of 4 (a) and2yrs (ysince about1997)...
Fig. 4-24: Geographical distribution of TOC contents of surface sediments in the German Bight
in May 2004 153
Fig. 4-25: HCH-, DDD-, and CB153 concentrations relative to dry weight (top) and total organic
carbon (bottom) in surface sediment of the German Bight in May 2004 154
Fig. 4-26: Pollution sightings in the German Bight in 2004 156
Fig. 4-27: Different n-Alkane patterns in near-surface sea water of the German Bight in August
2004. Background concentrations with remnants of bio- and petrogenic Alkanes (Entel),
high fractions from terrestrial plants (Stade/Elbe River), from algae metabolites (NGW8), and
due to oil spill (BRGU). Cf. Fig. 4-17, p. 142 for a station map 158
Fig. 4-28: Geographical distribution of total concentration of n-Alkanes from C 2 o to C 30 for
near-surface sea water (5 m) of the German Bight in July/August 2004. Figures below col
umns give the CPI, column heights in ng/L 759
Fig. 4-29: Geographical distribution of concentrations ofn-Alkanes C 13 to C 19 for near-surface
sea water (5 m) of the German Bight in July/August 2004. Column heights in ng/L, under
neath columns station IDs 160
Fig. 4-30: Concentrations of some PAHs in near-surface water (5 m) of the German Bight in July/
August 2004. Column heights in ng/L, underneath columns station IDs 162
Fig. 4-31: Mean PAH concentration pattern in sediment samples from the German Bight. ..163
Fig. 4-32: B[a]P concentrations in surface sediments of the German Bight. 164