Figure 6.10.1. Route of the stormy depression from 00 UTC on 6 December 1989 to
12 UTC on 7 December; pressure pattern and wind field at 06 UTC
on 7 December 1989 44
Figure 6.10.2. Sea level changes during the storm surge of December 1989 45
Figure 6.11.1. Route of the stormy depression from 00 UTC on 16 January 1992 to
12 UTC on 17 January; pressure pattern and wind field at 06 UTC
on 17 January 1992 46
Figure 6.11.2. Sea level changes during the storm surge of January 1992 47
Figure 6.12.1. Route of the stormy depression, pressure pattern and wind field over
the Baltic Sea on 21 February 1993, 12 UTC 48
Figure 6.12.2. Sea level changes during the storm surge of February 1993 49
Figure 6.13.1. Route of the depression centre from 00 UTC on 1 January to 06 UTC
on 3 January 1995, pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea
on 3 January, 06 UTC 50
Figure 6.13.2. Sea level changes during the storm surge of January 1996 51
Figure 6.14.1. Route of the depression from 00 UTC on 7 April to 00 UTC on 10 April
1995; pressure pattern and wind field over the Baltic Sea on 8 April
1995, 06 UTC 52
Figure 6.14.2. Sea level changes during the storm surge of April 1995 53
Figure 6.15.1 .Route of the depression (from 00 UTC on 2 November to 00 UTC
on 4 November 1995) and pressure pattern on 3 November at 12 UTC
with accompanying wind field over the southern areas of the
Baltic Sea 54
Figure 6.15.2. Sea level changes during the storm surge of November 1995 55
Figure 6.16.1. Pressure pattern over Europe and wind field over the Baltic Sea on
11 April 1997, 18 UTC 56
Figure 6.16.2. Pressure pattern over Europe and wind field over the Baltic Sea on
15 April 1997, 06 UTC 57
Figure 6.16.3. Sea level changes during the storm surge of April 1997 59
Figure 6.17.1. Pressure pattern over Europe and wind field over the southern Baltic
Sea at 00 UTC on 19 January 2000 - an example of the long-lasting
northerly air flow over Europe which often causes wind set-up
along the southern coast of the Baltic Sea 60
Figure 6.17.2. Pressure pattern over Europe and wind field over the southern Baltic
Sea at 12 UTC on 21 January 2000 61
Figure 6.17.3. Sea level changes during the storm surge of July 2000 63