Marine Chemistry
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Nordseezustand 2003
Fig. 3-28: Seasonal near-surface and -bottom salinity distributions in 2003 88
Fig. 3-29: Salinity stratification in summer 2003 (RV Gauss, Cruise #405) 90
Fig. 3-30: Monthly mean and maximum runoff of Elbe River in 2003 at Neu-Darchau weir toge
ther with 1971 -2000 base period monthly means and 95%-band (climatology ±1.96 stan
dard deviations). 1000m 3 /s are equivalent to 2.592 km 3 /month. (Data courtesy ofWSA-
Lauenburg.) 97
Fig. 3-31: Seasonal cycle 2003 of monthly mean SSS at Flelgoland Roads together with monthly
extremes, 1971 - 2000 base period monthly means and 95%-band (climatology ± 1.96stan-
dard deviations) 92
Fig. 3-32: Ice-climate stations (blue) at the German North Sea coast. 93
Fig. 3-33: Accumulated areal ice volume for the German North Sea coast during 1897 - 2003..
Fig. 3-34: Accumulated areal ice volume and air temperature (5-day running means) during the
ice season 2002/3 95
Fig. 3-35: Ice concentration and thickness at the ice-climate stations along the German North
Sea coast during the 2002/3 sea-ice season 96
Marine Chemistry
Fig. 4-1: Phosphate, Silicate, Nitrate & Nitrite, and Ammonium distributions (jumoi/L) in surface
water in winter 2003. Notelog 2 color scale (except for PO^) 105
Fig. 4-2: Phosphate, silicate, nitrate and nitrite in the German Bight in January 2003 106
Fig. 4-3: Long-term mean salinity distribution (1900 - 1996) in the German Bight (after Janssen
ETAL. 1999) 108
Fig. 4-4: Time series of wintry nutrient concentrations estimated for salinity 30, typical of coa
stal waters in the German Bight. Standard errors of estimate given as 95%-bars. Reference
concentrations from 1936 only shown where available 109
Fig. 4-5: Phosphate concentrations (jumoi/L) in near-surface and -bottom water of the North
Sea in summer 2003 (top, note log 2 color scale) and departures from long-term means
(1980-2001) 110
Fig. 4-6: Nitrate & Nitrite concentrations (jumoi/L) in near-surface and -bottom water of the Nor
th Sea in summer 2003; note log 2 color scale 112
Fig. 4-7: Ammonium concentrations (jumoi/L) in near-surface and -bottom water of the North
Sea in summer 2003 (top, note log 2 color scale) and departures from long-term means
(1980-2001) 113
Fig. 4-8: Vertical profiles of phosphate, silicate, nitrate & nitrite, ammonium (jumoi/L) and chlo
rophyll (pg/L) along 56°Nin summer 2003 (RVGauss, cruise #405) 114
Fig. 4-9: Secchi depth and depth (m) of maximum chlorophyll concentration in summer2003.
Fig. 4-10: Turbidity (NTU) in near-surface and-bottom water of the North Sea in summer 2003;
note log 2 color scale 115
Fig. 4-11: Oxygen saturation (%) in near-surface and -bottom water of the North Sea in summer
2003 116
Fig. 4-12: Annual cycles of nutrient concentrations (jumoi/L) at Flelgoland Roads versus clima
tology. 118
Fig. 4-13: Nutrient concentrations at Flelgoland Roads during the salinity decline in April 2003.