deep regions as the North Pacific, Southwest Atlantic and Eastern Indian Ocean the last
level of the WOA01 climatology is more than 250 meters above the bottom since the deepest
gridded level is at 5500 meters.
5.2 Comparison of derived quantities
A comparison of steric height anomaly fields (Fig.21) reveals a high degree of similarity
between the two climatologies. The shape and geographical location of many of circulation
patterns (e.g. subtropical gyres, equatorial currents, Gulfstream and Kuroshio, Antarctic
Circumpolar Current) are visually almost identical. The main difference is a considerably
higher contrast between the regions of high and low steric height anomaly values. Thus, for
the layer 50-1000 meters the steric height anomaly difference between the Ross Sea and the
centre of the subtropical gyre is a factor of 1.3 higher for the WGHC climatology (130 cm
comared with 100 cm for WOA01). The WGHC climatology better resolves such western
boundary currents as the Gulfstream, Kuroshio, Agulhas. The ACC also appears as a more
concentrated, narrower current in the WGHC climatology. The differences in terms of
volume transports are better seen on individual sections. We present geostrophic volume
transports between the grid points calculated relative to the deepest common level and
accumulated transports for a 35.5°N section across the North Atlantic and for the section
along 20.5°E across the ACC (Fig. 22).
I 0 m I 5-100 m 101-250 m ■ >250 m
Fig.20: Difference (WGHC-WOA01) between the depths of the last gridded level.