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Full text: 35: WOCE - Global Hydrographic Climatology

Particularly large biases for some historical cruises are indicated in Fig. 10. For example, most 
of the data from the 1930s were obtained during the expeditions of the R/V Discovery in the 
Southern Ocean. These data are highly biased in oxygen by 0.5- 0.6 ml/l, and in silicate (15-50 
|jmol/kg). Another problem with historical data is a large scattering of individual profile offsets 
within the cruise. We decided therefore to apply individual profile bias corrections instead of a 
cruise average correction. 
The spatial distribution of adjusted profiles is shown in Fig. 11 for all parameters. The coverage 
of available high-quality cruises made it possible to calculate biases for a total of 71776 
historical profiles.

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