minYYmm/wngYYmmm.Onn: One-minute values of the days nn for the month mm or mmm,
respectively, in the format WDC (ICSU, 1989)
1943, 1944, ..., 1999 data (0.1 nT and 0.01’ values, respectively):
data/iaga/: Directory containing the following data in the IAGA2000 format
(http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/IAGA/wg2); YY means 96, 97 98 or 99, respectively
YR.WNG: Epoch values WNG starting 1939 (from 1981 on: D and / in 0.01X, Y,
Z, Hand F in 0.1 nT; before then: 0.T or 1 nT, respectively)
19YYMT.WNG: Monthly means (D and / in 0.01 ’; X, Y, Z, H and F in 0.1 nT)
19YYDY.WNG: Daily means (D and / in 0.0T; X, Y, Z, H and F in 0.1 nT)
19YYmmHR.WNG: Hourly means (F, X, YandZinO.1 nT) of the month mm
19YYmmMN. WNG: Minute means (F, X, YandZinO.1 nT) of the month mm