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Full text: 33: Nordsee und Deutsche Bucht 2002

Ozeanographischer Zustandsbericht 
and since August extreme departures from climatology were recorded. (Data courtesy of 
WSA-Lauenburg.) 66 
Fig. 3-17 Annual cycle 2002 of daily runoff (m 3 /s) of Elbe River at Neu-Darchau weir versus 
salinity (inverted) near Helgoland and at MARNET Station Deutsche Bucht. 4-day 
means. (Sources: WSA Lauenburg, BAH, BSH) 67 
Fig. 3-18 Daily mean wind vectors at MARNET Station Deutsche Bucht. The aspect ratio is 
chosen such that the velocity scale applies to both meridional and zonal wind compo 
nents 68 
Fig. 4-1 La battaglia di Alessandro (MANN). We think that a remarkable feature of this work 
is its generous framework requiring just a few figures to create a full scene and highly 
interesting and thrilling episodes (translated from A. de Franciscis, Pompeji - Kultur und 
Kunst, Kina Italia, Mailand, 2001) 69

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