Sy, A. et al. (2002): Upper Ocean Climate Ship-of-Opportunity Programme of BSH - A Status Report
• Institut fur Meereskunde, Kiel (IfM Kiel), recently started the European Union (EU) funded
pC0 2 -SSS programme CAVASSOO (Carbon Variability Studies by Ships Of Opportunity)
on the southern fringe of the GOOS A2 corridor. The equipment is installed on the Swedish
car carrier ’’Falstaff” operated by Wallenius Wilhelmsen Line. The first Transatlantic run was
carried out successfully in February 2002.
The measurement system consisting of an SBE-21 thermosalinograph (TSG), C0 2 analysis
system and fluorescene sensor is installed on the lowest deck of the engine compartment,
close to the main diesel engine, and uses the ship’s seawater intake. Further details are
available at www.ifm.uni-kiel.de. Because of the close relationship of this programme to
BSH’s North Atlantic GOOS activities, co-operation was an obvious choice. BSH provided
the TSG and uses the SST and SSS data in return. Fig. 25 shows the transects with TSG
measurements which we received in 2002.
40'W 35‘W 30'W 25*W 20'W 15'W 10’W 5'W 0’
40'W 35'W 30'W 25’W 20’W 15’W 10’W 5’W 0'
75'W 70°W 65’W 60’W 55’W 50'W 45'W
75'W 70'W 65’W 60’W 55’W 50'W 45'W
Fig. 25: Trackplot of TSG measurements carried out by CC “Falstaff” in 2002.
• Since 1972, BSH has participated actively in IGOSS (now JCOMM) and acts as the German
input and output GTS hub for real-time oceanographic bulletins (IOC, 1999) in close co
operation with the German Weather Service (DWD (Station EDZW)). All German BATHY,
TESAC and TRACKOB bulletins circulating on the GTS have been submitted by BSH. We
hope to be able to contribute in the same way in the future. Trackplots of the output for
BATHY and TESAC messages in 2001 and 2002 are presented in Figs. 26 and 27.