Sy, A. et al. (2002): Upper Ocean Climate Ship-of-Opportunity Programme of BSH - A Status Report
Line AX-11 intersects the eastern margin of the subtropical gyre. The mean temperature field
(Fig. 8 top) represents the main water masses such as the Tropical Surface Water (0 > 20 °C),
the Central Water, and the northward spreading Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW). The
dominant feature is the bowl of warm water of the subtropical gyre which limits the northward
spreading of AAIW north of 24°N. RMS values (Fig. 8 bottom) are highest in the surface layer
down to 150 m, especially in the equatorial region from 5°S to 15°N. This high variability of the
temperature field is associated with seasonal changes in the wind field and migration of the
intertropical convergence zone from its southernmost position in north spring to its northernmost
position in north fall. These atmospheric variations induce changes in the currents, like the
weakening or even reversal of the North Equatorial Countercurrent from north spring to north
Fig. 8: Mean temperature field (top) and RMS values (bottom) along line AX-11