3. ”Delphin” out of water while ship on station 
1100 MEST Station 42 
1. CTD with sampling for nutrients and oxygen; Secchi disk 
2. some clouds, light air 
3. ”Delphin” out of water while ship on station 
4. some Herring gulls and some juvenile other gulls 
1830 MEST Station 43 
1. CTD with sampling for nutrients and oxygen; Secchi disk; two 10 | and one 100 I glass 
2. full cloud coverage, light breeze (from NE) 
3. ”Delphin” out of water while ship on station 
13 August 2007 
0015 MEST Station 44 
1. CTD with sampling for nutrients and oxygen; one 100 I glass bottle 
2, full cloud coverage, drizzle, light breeze, weak swell; after station thunderstorm with 
heavy showers; later observation of Perseide meteorites 
3. ”Delphin” out of water while ship on station; difficulties with CTD software: after reset OK 
0910 MEST Station 45 
1. CTD with sampling for nutrients and oxygen: Secchi disk; two 10 | and one 100 | glass 
2, many clouds, fresh breeze from SW 
3. ”Delphin” out of water while ship on station; removal of O, sensor for calibration 
4. some Kittiwakes, Captain reports “dolphins” before station 
1635 MEST Station 46 
1. CTD with sampling for nutrients and oxygen; Secchi disk; one 100 | glass bottle 
2. full cloud coverage, drizzle, fresh breeze from SE 
3. ”Delphin” out of water while ship on station: re-installation of O» sensor 
2200 MEST Station 47 
1. CTD with sampling for nutrients and oxygen 
2. full cloud coverage. fresh breeze from S. strong swell