H x - Dre , 14 ) N 126 . * z—— a | Pa 105 f Li F 100 I50 — n zZ 3 300 — 350 100 — 450 CE20017 EW-Transect-60N VW nt] 17-7 77 4 1 2 3 Bl lu ll u ıL 5b TG a. 514 BF” At en 511 5319 HH OO 150 200 -— na An u m C3 2 300 350 400 — AB - — Pa 8 3 2 CE20017 EW-Transect-60N VAT 1 1 T U 1 11T nt . * i 2 3 Longitude Figure 4.5: Temperature (top) and salinity (bottom) sections along 60°N based on CTD raw data. The numbers in the sections give temperature [°C] x 10 and (salinity x 100) -3000 at selected station depths. 3