Appendix 3: Maps of temperature, salinity and oxygen Temperature surface 2020 and Temperature bottom 2020 4) R A A FE % "perature [°C] surface CE20017A I 23.07.-07.08.2020 EEE — + ans 2 bl ee - A, a Temp surface anomaly, ref period 2000-2010 —_ ET —— nA 0 Temp bottom anomaly, ref period 2000-2010 af mperature [°C] | bottom CE20017A 23.07.-07.08.2020 tms nm 58° E' 2020 . emperature \nomaly [K] surface *4riod 2000-2010 | ————— tn U 2“ 4“ b“ 8° 1° Temperature difference (surface — bottom) — — m J 5° 2020 amperature \nomaly [K] bottom a Deriad 2000-2010 nl nällnnl——— aaa, 40 0 A Temperature Difference [K] & Aa Positive values (red areas) indicate stable stratification et based on temperature ..“ ® = CM 6” 8° 10° Figure 3.1 (top) temperature distribution at surface/bottom, (middle) temperature anomaly surface/bottom, (bottom) temperature difference between surface and bottom. nl. 25