17:11 — 17:24 Station GNO022 (Weiße Bank): 
Secchi depth, CTD profile with rosette sampler and nutrients. RA: Cs-137. 
W&S 18:00: Bft. 5-6, 260°, 1017 hPa, Ta = 16.5 °C, cloudy. Tw = 17.2 °C, 34.16 psu. 
20:11 — 20:24 Station GNO022A: 
CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137. 
W&S 20:30: Bft. 6, 260°, 1017 hPa, Ta = 17.3 °C. Tw = 17.3 °C, 33.40 psu. 
22:41 — 22:56 Station GN023: 
CTD profile with rosette sampler and nutrients. RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, H-3. 
Saturday, August 13", 2016 
Jy 01:05 — 01:17 Station GNO24: 
CTD profile with rosette sampler and nutrients. 
02:18 — 02:55 Station GN025 (west of Sylt): 
CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, H-3 and KNIFC. Nutrients. 
Nutrients. Organic: 1x10 Lat 5m; 1x100 L at 5 m (glass spheres). 
W&S 05:00: Bft. 5, 260°, 1014 hPa, Ta = 17.2 °C, cloudy. Tw= 18.0 °C, 31.70 psu. 
W&S 10:00: Bft. 6, 260°, 1013 hPa, Ta = 16.6 °C, overcast. Tw = 16.9 °C, 33.23 psu. 
11:07 — 11:35 Station GN026 (west of Lyngvik): 
Secchi depth, CTD profile with rosette sampler and nutrients. RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, H-3. 
Organic: 1x10 Lat 5 m; 1x100 L at 5 m (glass spheres). 
15:07 — 15:26 Station GNO026A: 
CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, H-3. 
19:38 — 20:01 Station GN027: 
CTD profile with rosette sampler and nutrients. RA: Cs-137. 
Organic: 1x10 Lat 5m; 1x100 L at 5 m (glass spheres) 
W&S 20:00: Bft. 4, 290°, 1018 hPa, Ta = 16.1 °C, cloudy. Tw = 15.9 °C, 34.44 psu. 
23:50 — 00:02 Station GN028: 
CTD profile with rosette sampler and nutrients. RA: Cs -137. 
Sunday, August 14", 2016 
v 03:45 — 03:57 Station GN0028S: 
CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137 and KNiFC. 
W&S 05:00: Bft. 5, 300°, 1020 hPa, Ta = 15.5 °C, overcast. Tw = 15.7 °C, 34.89 psu. 
07:20 — 07:55 Station GNO029: 
Secchi depth, CTD profile with rosette sampler and nutrients. RA: Cs-137, Sr-90, H-3. 
Organic: 2x10 Lat 5 m; 2x100 L at 5 m (glass spheres). 
W&S 10:00: Bft. 3, 140°, 1023 hPa, Ta = 15.2 °C, cloudy. Tw = 15.4 °C, 34.94 psu. 
11:20 — 11:36 Station GNO30: 
Secchi depth and CTD profile with rosette sampler. RA: Cs-137. Nutrients. 