336. Fixed on Preslon's 
Also, that lights are exhibited from two 
lighthouses on Preston’s beach, Ship channel 
entrance of the river. 
The lights are fixed white lights, one 
elevated U6 feet, the other 55 feet, above 
high water, and, in clear weather should be 
seen from a distance of 10 miles. 
The towers are respectively 30 and 28 
feet high and painted white. Position, lat. 
47° 4' 50“ N., long. 04° 55' W. 
The illuminating apparatus of all the above 
lights is catoptric or by reflectors, and they 
will only be exhibited during the season of 
iyctfc Jyriicr nuf t>rm 3tränt» »on 
3lttf bent Straub Bon ‘j3refton, att ber Ginfaftrt 
in bic Jlugmünbung brennen, auf ¿roei Seud)ttl)ür= 
men Jener. 
Sie finb fcft, »cig, baS eine 60', baP anbere 
55' über .fpoefpuaffer unb bei tlarcr Suft 10 ©ecnt. 
tncit ftd)tbar. 
Tie Tinirme finb 30 refp. 28' Ijod) unb tue iß 
Page: 47° 4' 50" ¡Korb ¡Breite, 04° 55' ©eff 
Sange Bon ©reen». 
Not to Mar. No. 114 
2?etnerfung ju 9ir. 332 biß 33(5. Tie Peucbtapparate fämmtlidjer ^-euer finb catoptrifdj ober 
mit ¡Refleltoren unb brennen bic getter nur »äbrcnb ber Tauer ber ©rfpffafyrtapcriobe. 
Java sra — IirrMrM rhaimel. 
337. Light on Fill« Lepa r. 
The Government of Java has given No 
tice, that about the beginning of October 1*70, 
a newly established white light of the sixth 
order would be exhibited from Tanjong La- 
boc, the eastern point of Pulo Lepar, Mac 
clesfield Channel. 
The light, which is visible from seaward 
in every direction, is exhibited from an ele 
vation of 39 feet above the level of high wa 
ter, and should be seen in clear weather from 
a distance of 8 miles. 
The above light will, in conjunction with 
that exhibited from Jelaka island, facilitate 
the navigation of Macclesfield channel by- 
Not. to Mar. No. 107. 
|itnn Set. — ffiarclesfirli) (Tmtnf. 
Jycucr »on 'V'lilo Sfoprtr. 
31m Slufaug beP TOonatP Cctobcr er. (elf ein 
neue3 Jener (5. Crbu. auf Tanjong f'aboc, ber ifft- 
Ucf)en ©pipe non ^ulo Separ, ¡DiaccfePficlb Canal, 
angejiinbet »erben. Tap Jener, nad) See in 
jeber iliicbtung bin yu fegen, ift 39 Jug iiber .fjod) 
»affer fyorf) unb bei barer Puft 8 Seem, »eit fidjt« 
bar. CP »irb in Slevbitibung mit bem auf ber 
Jufel Jelata baP sPefabren bcP ¡BiacclePficlb Ca 
nals bei ¡Radjt cvleidytcvn.