— 67 — The light is a fixed white light, elevated Ter Thurm ifl 42' fjodj unb toei§ gemait. 40 feet above high water, and in clear wea- Vage: 47° 9' 50" 'JJurb 3?reite; 65° 2' 40“ ther should be seen from a distance of 12 3x ; eft Vange Don Coreentu. miles. The tower is 42 feet high and painted white. Position, lat. 47° 9' 50" N., long. 65° 2' 40" W. Not. to Mar. No. 114. 334. Fixed light* on Or.k point. Also, that lights are exhibited from two lighthouses, bearing East ami \Vest from each other, on Oak point. Tlie lights are fixed white lights, the easternmost elevated 40 feet, and the western most 00 feet above high water; in clear wea ther they should be seen from a distance of 10 miles. The towers are 30 feet high and painted white. Position, lat. 47 0 8' N., long. 05° 15' W. Not, to Mar. No. 114. VI. Jycflc Setter ttuf .Oaf ^>otnt. Auf Caf i3oint brennen auf jroci Veudjttbiirmen, bie in ber iHidnuug Cft unb &'fft (niipro) doii cinanber liegen, S euer - Sie finb feft, roeip, ba3 öfttiebfte 40', ba§ tue ft* lidp'te 60' über .poc^roaffer unb bei flarer Vuft 10 2eem. treit fid)tbar. Tie Tbiivme finb 36' bedj unb n>cr§ gemalt. Vage: 47° 8' s 31ovb Breite, 65° ¡5' SBefl Vängc dou Oreenro. 335. I’ixed lights at Hnrlibo<]ii<». Also, that lights are exhibited from two lighthouses, bearing N. E. and 8. W . from each other, on Bartiboqne, Lower Newcastle. The lights are fixed white lights, one elevated 140 feet, the other 120 feet, above high water, and in clear weather should he seen from a distance of 10 miles. The towers are 36 feet high and painted white. Position, lat. 47° 5' N., long. 65° 23' VV. Not. to Mar. No. 114. VI. Sofie Sfilo« - ju Startiboqite. ,’V’ S«artii’Oi)ue, Vciiht Jìetrcaftle, brennen auf Jttei Veudutbiirmcn, tic in ter atidrtuncj 'JiXT uni '241* (miptr.) non cinanter (iccjcn. geuer. Sic finb foft. ìvcig, ta8 cine 140‘, taS an< tcre 120' ¡iter ^octiraiter uni tei tlavcv Sufi 10 ¿ceni, locil fi dittar. Tic ìbiirme fini liti' ti od) uni ircif: gcinalt. Vage: 47° 0' -Jìort l'rcite, tij° 23' SBejl V'dnCJC 0011 ©reemo.