Flafcholm ligthouse and cutting West Cardiff 
buoy, will be extendet to the westward so 
a9 to cut the Ranie spit buoy, on a bearing 
of N. by W. V■> W. from the said lighthouse. 
The alteration will be effected on or about 
the 1st of December next. 
(All Hearings are Magnetic. Variation 
Penarth Roads 21° 55' W. iu 1870.) 
Not. to Mar. No. 93. 
Tonne fdjneibet, nad) 53eflen gu erweitert unb $n>ar 
fotoeit, ba’j cr bie iHanie ‘pit Tonne berührt in ber 
Teilung 1,0,11 genannten 1'euc^tfener. 
Tiefe SBeränberuitg trirb gegen ben 1. Tcceim 
ber er. auSgefiihrt. 
(■^eil. mi§№., SWijjto. 21° 55' 2£eft, 1870.) 
Bristol rhaniu-l. 
:iO*. Kuoy oi# Tusker rock 
Also, that a buoy has been placed to 
mark the Tusker rock, one and a half cables 
from the positon of the late Tusker beacon. 
The buoy is conical, black and white 
vertical stripes with staff and cage and 
marked Tusker rock. It is moored in 
fathoms at low water springs, with the follo 
wing marks and bearings: 
Clevis house, Newton Nottage in line with 
Newton Mill Stump N. N. E. \U E. 
Porthcawl pier lighthouse N. 3 /* W. 
Nash low lighthouse 8. E. by 8. 
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation 
22° Westerly in 1870.) 
Not. to Mur. No. 103. 
¿3rijtol (Kanal. 
Tonuc auf ber Tusfer filippc. 
(Sine Tonne, gur ^egeidjnung bes XuSfer veef 
ift 1V* Kabellängen ton ber Stelle ber früheren 
Tupfer SBafe aufgelegt. Sie ift fpifc, fcb’earg unb 
»reib feilfrec^t geftreift mit Stange unb Würfel unb 
mit Tupfer rrcf bezeichnet, unb liegt in 5* * gaben 
Tiefe bei Tpringjeit Mcbrigmafier unter folgenbcit 
(Slefiö hoitfe, lernten Oiottagc in Linie mit 
Meinten 'JJiill ©tump . . . % )i'JIC'/aC. 
'Hortlgairl pier Leudfüburm . . 'Ji 3 /V-k\ 
'Jiafh »fiebriger Leudgtburm . . 
(i*eil. mifju?, 'JÖlipro. 22° fijejl, 1870.) 
Ireland — South roast. 
CIO!) Demolition of Prince 
ltnpert's tower. 
The War office authorities having given 
Notice that the demolition of Prince Pupert’s 
tower, in Carlisle fort, at the entrance of 
Cork harbour is being proceeded with, ma 
riners are cautioned that the said tower will 
no longer be available as clearing mark for 
Daunt s rock. 
Not. to Mar. No. 93 
Jrinnb. — SüMtiiJlf. 
'Abtragung bc* Urtiter ^fnpcrt’o 
Tie 'Abtragung be§ Xhiuce fRupert'3 XburmeS 
im (SarliSle gort, bem ©ingang $um i)afen non 
(Sorf ift fo tucit porgefebritten, baß berfetbe iticpt 
länger al* :)iid)tung$marfe für ben TaunfS gellen 
bienen faiut.