Valle de Banderas is the large deep hay 
to the north-east-ward of Cape Corrientes, 
extending from that cape to Punta Mita, and 
is about 22 miles wide by 20 deep; it is said 
to be frequented by whalers in the winter, 
and to be clear of dangers with the exception 
of the rocks olí Punta de Iglesia, about 5 miles 
to the north-east of the cape. 
Corralies harbour is a small harbour 
about 3 miles to the eastward of Cape Cor 
rientes, where shelter may be found by small 
vessels from all winds except those from 
north-west. The entrance is free from danger, 
but the harbour is small and with very deep 
water, 30 fathoms being found in its centre. 
It is a basin otherwise in its perfect smooth 
ness and safety, for a large ship could make 
fast to the shore. During the south-west 
gales the sea is reported to be smooth and 
the wind but little felt. The land round the 
harbour is thickly wooded, rising abruptly 
from the sea, particularly to the southward 
and westward. There are no inhabitants. 
Punta de Iglesia lies N. E. 4 E- distant 
about 4 miles from Cape Corrientes, and may 
be known by a castellated rock, nearly a 
mile from the coast. About one mil? to the 
northward of this islet are two rocks, with 
9 feet water on them, over which the sea 
was seen to break; this part of the coast 
should, therefore, uot be approached within 
24 miles. 
V ala pa. From Punta de Iglesia the land 
trends about north-east for 14 miles to Point 
Chimo, then E. by N. 4 N. 4| miles to Toigmola 
point, from whence it runs E. \ N. 34 miles 
to a break in the rocky shore called Yalapa, 
formed by a small river of the same name. 
This anchorage appears broader and the water 
is reported as not being so deep as at Corra 
lies. Ships loading with logwood anchor here 
in about IT) or 20 fathoms. Shelter may be 
found here during south-west gales. 
©aUftiihfdngem heftubt irerben unb frei Don (Sk 
fobren fein, bie Klippen Der ber $mtto ^glefta, 
ungefähr 5 'Seemeilen N О Dom GaD, auege 
Gorraliee*Jparbour, ein Reiner $afer f 
etma 3 Seemeilen eftlicb cen Gab Gomentefr 
biete* Reinen Schiffen gegen alle ©inbe, SRorbtreft 
ausgenommen, Schuh. Die Hinfahrt ift Don (9e* 
fahr frei, aber ber ¿afen ift Rein unb hat febr 
tiefer ©öfter, HO gaben in ber üftitte; er hübet 
in feiner oedfränbigen .'Kühe unb Sicherheit ge* 
ipiffermaften ein ^offin, benn ein grober Schiff 
fonnte am tobe feftmachen. 5<ei Sübtreft*Stür 
men foU bie See ruhig fein unb ber ©ütb nur 
trenig gefühlt loirfcen. Гае tob umher ift buht 
beicalbet unb erhebt fiefa [teil aus ber See, beton 
bers im |üblichen unb meftlicfaen Ibcile; bie Kiifte 
ift unbewohnt. 
i'unta be ^glefia liegt NO $ О ungefähr 
4 Seemeilen Don Gat? Gementee entfernt unb ift 
an einem burgähnlichen Reifen, nahe eine Seemeile 
nörblicfa Don ber Küfte gelegen, fcnntlich. Ungefähr 
eine Seemeile nörblich Don btefet Reinen ^niet 
liegen 3trci blinbe Klippen 9 ¿5uh unter ©affer 
auf mclcfaen bie See bricht. Tiefem Jheil ber 
Küfte feilte man |1ф пгфг innerhalb 24 Seemeilen 
italapa. '-Bon ber TUmta be ^glefia ftreeft 
fiefa fca? tob ettra N О 14 Seemeile bi* 4>oint 
Ghimo, bann О N О 4 О 44 Seemeilen bis шг 
ieigmola»Spihe unb jiebt uch hierauf О N 
34 Seemeilen biä ju einer Unterbrechung ber 
gelfenfüfte, ifalapa genannt, irelcbe burefa ben glufc 
gleichen tftamene gebilbet toirb. £>ier ift ber gegen 
Sübtrefb Stürme gefcfmfcte 'Hnferplan geräumiger, 
auch foU bie ©affertiefe nicht fo bebeutenb, als ju 
Gorralies fein. garbeböljer tobenbe Schiffe anfern 
hier in ungefähr 15 ober 20 gaben ©affertiefe. 
Cuimifto. eigentlich nur eine Küftenbucht mit 
fanbigem Straube, liegt З4 Seemeilen О N О 4 ° 
Don (fatapa. Gine 9(пцМ großer Raufer ober 
iBarracfen bennbet ftch hier, to eiche gelegentlich Don