.'Not. to Mar. No. 9.) 14. Franc? — Sörth l.oasf. irankrfid], llorMuiftr. Fixed red liirlit*. river l’ontrieiix. Jcftc reibe J^cucr, 'Votttrtrur: t$lu$. The French Government has given Notice X)ie Sranfbftfdje '.Regierung macht befannt, ba§ that, from the 1st day of January 1869, the vom 1. 3 anuaT 1869 ab folgatbe 5 euei an 6 e ’ following lights will be established to facilitate ^ünbet fmb, um bie ¿dnfffabrt auf ban ’^entrian;- the navigation of the River i'outrieux, north ^lup, fJlorbfüjle von tfranfreid), fu erleichtern, coast of France. 1) The lower light, on the extremity of the peninsula of ( ’oat-Mer, is a fixed red light, elevated 39 feet above high water, and in clear weather should he S3en from a distance of 6 miles. The* illuminating apparatus is dioptric. The light will be exhibited in front of a window of the keeper’s house, lb feet above the ground; position lat. 48" 48 20" N.. long. 3 5’ 46 West from Greenwich. 2) The upper light, bearing S.W . by \Y. \ \\ . 722 yards from the lower light, is a fixed red light, visible through an arc of 12 de grees on each side of above bearing, ele vated 151 feet above high water, and in clear weather should bo seen from a distance of 8 miles. The illuminating apparatus is catoptric. The tower is square, built of stone, painted white, anti 15 feet high. 1) Фаз untere 3 cue G auf &er врфе ber фа!Ь* infei Goat.ÜJta, i|l ein fefles votbee, 39' über £od)wa)ter unb bei flarem fetter auf 6 See* meilen iid)tbar. Der Yeucbtapparat ift bioptiifd). фаз treuer iji vor einem ©aebtabaufe?, 16' über bent 35oben, an* gebracht/ Yage: 48 48 2<» 9iorb Breite unb 3 5 46 'Tßeft Yange von (йгееппмсЬ. 2) Фае obere леиег, in ber Teilung SW r \V •i W, 722 §)arbö von bent unteren ^euer, ifl ein feilet? rotbee, ficbrlar in einen. Umfreie von 12 ($rab nad) jeher ¿eite von ber ge* nannten Teilung, 151 über £ocbtvaffer unb bei flarem ©etter auf 8 ¿eemeilen fidjtbar. Фег Yeucbtapparat ifl catoptrifdy Фег Ihurm ifl viereefig, аиз ¿teineit erbaut, tveifj geflricben unb 15 f)cd>. Directions. — On entering the river keep Einleitung. Söein» Einlaufen in ben <slufj the dashing lights on Roche de la < roix and halte man bie EMirffeuer auf iKocbe be la lircii; Bodic heights in line, and when near the first unb E3obic in Vinie; nabe bei bem erfteren ijl ein named, keep a little to the south-west, in order wenig nacb ¿üb*©e|l ju galten, bie bie beiben to get the two red lights in line, which so kept rotten tfeuer in Yinie fommen, fie führen m Vinie will lea«! to the anchorage of Coat-Mer. gehalten auf ben Elnferplafc von (Soat*2Rer.