3744 A. Valente et al.: A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data Table 2. Original sets of data and data contributors in the final table. Data source Description Marine optical Daily observations of remote-sensing reflectance, mea- buoy (MOBY) sured by a fixed mooring system, located west of the -Tawalian Island of Lanai. Data compiled between 1997- 1021. Data were obtained from the MOBY website. Com Jiled standard variable: “rrs”. High-frequency (15 min) observations of remote-sensing ‚eflectance, from a fixed mooring system, located in the western Mediterranean Sea. Measurements of :hlorophyll-@ concentration are also available at the mooring locations. Remote-sensing reflectance and >hlorophyll-a data were compiled between 2003-2019 ınd 2001-2020, respectively. Data were provided by David Antoine. Compiled standard variables: “rrs” °chla hole” Data contributors Paul DiGiacomo, Kenneth Voss David Antoine, Vicenzo Vellucci AErosol RObotic NE Twork- Ocean Color ‚AERONET- 0C) Daily observations of remote-sensing reflectance, mea- ‚ured by modified sun photometers. Data compiled setween 2002-2020. Sites included: Abu_Al_Bukhoosh = 25°N, —53°E), COVE_SEAPRISM (-36°N, =»75°W), Gloria (-44°N, —29°E), Gus- :av_Dalen_Tower (—58°N, —17°E), Helsinki Light- n0use (—59°N, — 24° E), LISCO (40° N, = 73° W). "ucinda (-18°S, —146°E), MVCO (=41°N, 70° W), Palgrunden (—58°N, —13°E), Venice —45°N, —12°E), WaveCIS_Site CSI 6 (—28°N 90° W). Data were obtained from the AERONET-OC website. Compiled standard variable: “rrs” Global archive of in situ marine data from multiple con- xibutors. Bio-optical global data between 1997-2020 were extracted from the SeaBASS website. Pigment data were mostly extracted using “pigment search” tool, which arovides data directly from the archives. Radiometric data were extracted using “validation” tool, which only pro- vides in situ data with matchups for ocean colour sen- sors. Compiled standard variables: “rrs”, “chla_hple”. ‘chl_fluor”, “aph”, “adg”, “bbp”, “kd”. Sam Ahmed (LISCO), Hui Feng (MVCO), Alex Gilerson (LISCO), Brent Holben (COVE- SEAPRISM), Susanne Kratzer (Palgruden), Sher- win Ladner (WaveCIS), Thomas Schroeder (Lu- cinda), Heidi M. Sosik (MVCO), Giuseppe Zibordi (Abu Al Bukhoosh, Gloria, Gustav Dalen Tower, Helsinki Lighthouse and Venice) SeaWiFS Bio-optical Archive and Storage System (SeaBASS) Robert Arnone, James Allen, Kevin Arrigo, Dirk Aurin, William Balch, Ray Barlow, Mike Behrenfeld, Sukru Besiktepe, Kelsey Bisson, Em- manuel Boss, Chris Brown, Dylan Catlett, Dou glas Capone, Ken Carder, Carlos Del Castillo, Fran: Cisco Chavez, Alex Chekalyuk, Jay-Chung Chen, Dennis Clark, Herve Claustre, Lesley Clementson, Tavier Concha, Jorge Corredor, Glenn Cota, Yves Dandonneau, Heidi Dierssen, David Eslinger, Pi- atr Flatau, Scott Freeman, Robert Frouin, Carlos Garcia, Alex Gilerson, Joaquim Goes, Gwo-Ching Gong, Adriana Gonzalez-Silvera, Rick Gould, Ja- son Graff, Nils Haentjens, Larry Harding, Jon Hare, Stanford B. Hooker, Chuanmin Hu, Mil- ton Kampel, Sung-Ho Kang, Grace Kim, Gary Kirkpatrick, Oleg Kopelevich, Sasha Kramer, Sam Laney, Pierre Larouche, Jesus Ledesma, Zhong- ping Lee, Ricardo Letelier, Marlon Lewis, Steven Lohrenz, Mary Luz Canon, Antonio Mannino, Stephane Maritorena, John Marra, Chuck McClain, Christophe Menkes, Mark Miller, Allen Milligan, Greg Mitchell, Ru Morrison, James Mueller, Frank Muller-Karger, Ruben Negri, James Nelson, Nor- man Nelson, Michael Novak, Mary Jane Perry, David Phinney, John Porter, Collin Roesler, Joe Salisbury, David Siegel, Mike Sieracki, Jeffrey Smart, Raymond Smith, Heidi Sosik, James Spin- hirne, Dariusz Stramski, Rick Stumpf, Ajit Subra- naniam, Lynne Talley, Chuck Trees, Michael Twar- dowski, Ryan Vandermeulen, Kenneth Voss, Mar- cel Wernand, Toby Westberry, Ronald Zaneveld, Eric Zettler, Giuseppe Zibordi, Richard Zimmer- man zarth Syst. Sci. Data, 14, 5737-5770, 2022 httos://doi.org/10.5194/essd-14-5737-2022