204 P. Poli et al.: SVP-BRST: genesis, design, and initial results Ocean Sci., 15,199-214, 2019 www.ocean-sci.net/15/199/2019/ SST difference (K), Hull minus CT probe -0.5 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.5 (a) Il a&jfriF -Y: (c) : b. :< i Vi I ce 1 LU ^ ■ p " ‘ ■ * ■ ] F. 1 I Number of points per 0.01 K difference and per 1 ° angle | 1 2 4 7 13 24 45 84 157 294 -0.5 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.5 SST difference (K), Hull minus CT probe Number of points per 0.01 K difference and per 0.25 ms -1 wind speed 129 257 514 -0.5 -0.1 0.0 0.1 SST difference (K), Hull minus CT probe Figure 2. Differences between the two SST sensors from all HRSST- estimates for (b) 10 m wind speed and (c) significant wave height. reassess sensor accuracy and drift several years after initial calibration. The buoys were recovered without visible outer damage. It is not impossible that the sensors may have aged differently during the various phases of the buoy life cycle: (a) after calibration and until deployment, (b) at sea, and (c) after recovery. Unfortunately, it proved impossible to have the probes calibrated by the same laboratory (Bernie Petó las, personal communication, 2016). Table 3 shows the re sults of the calibration verification done by the initial lab oratory (Measurement Specialties, lab. no. 1 in the table), and the calibration verifications done by two other laborato- ■2 SVP-BS buoys, as a function of (a) solar elevation angle and ERA5 ries (at different dates), after the buoys were recovered from shore. Despite the same Metocean interface being used at all three laboratories, the calibration procedure, being inher ently laboratory dependent, brings in additional uncertain ties. For example, the various laboratories involved here did not use the same verification points. The initial laboratory used three calibration points (0, 25, 40 °C), i.e., the bare minimum to compute the three Steinhart-Hart coefficients per sensor. The same temperatures were then used to as sess the (residual) calibration error. In the table, lab. no. 2 refers to the Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de