6.1 Data distributions of sections and areas 3.2 Sections 3.2.1 Pycnocline (Arho/m) 10 zonal sections in August 4 Isopleths and profiles 4.1 Isopleths of temperature 4.1.1 5 depths along 56.5 °N (5m, 15m, 20m, 30m, 50m) 4.1.2 5 positions in different regions 1) 59.5 °N /1.0 °E 2) 58.0 °N /0.0 °E 3) 58.0 °N / 5.0 °E 4) 56.0 °N /1.0 °E 5) 54.5 °N / 5.0 °E 4.2 Profiles of temperature and salinity 4.2.1 4.2.2 Temperature Salinity (same Positions as in 4.1.2) (same Positions as in 4.1.2) 5 Heat content 5.1 Layer distributions 5.1.1 5.1.2 Heat content per unit volume Total heat content in the water column January to December January to December 5.2 Time series 5.2.1 Total heat content in the North Sea January to December 6 Annex