North Sea Atlas Temperature, Salinity, Density and Heat Content Monthly means for the period 1902 to 1954 Preface This atlas is based on two publications. 1. G. Tomczak und E. Goedecke 'Die thermische Schichtung der Nordsee auf Grund des mittleren Jahresganges der Temperatur in 1/2°- und 1 “-Feldern', (DHZ 1964, Ergänzungsheft Reihe B, Nr. 8). The temperature figures of Tomczak and Goedecke represent mean monthly vertical sections and horizontal charts of the North Sea, based on 122151 temperature data of the years 1902 to 1954 Accuracy of the monthly mean values: Total: +/- 0.9 Bottom: +/- 0.8 Areas of shallow water: Surface: +/- 1.2 Bottom: +/- 1.2 Areas of deeper water: Surface: +/- 0.8 Bottom: +/- 0.6 Absolut highest differences of single years from the mean values: +4.6 K and -5.3 K. For more details see tabel 1 and 2 of their publication. 2. Erich Goedecke, Jens Smed und Gerhard Tomczak 'Monatskarten des Salzgehaltes der Nordsee dargestellt für verschiedene Tiefenhorizonte', (DHZ 1967, Ergänzungsheft Reihe B, Nr. 9). The mean monthly salinity charts for the depth layers 7,5m, 20m, 30m, 40m, 60m, 80m, 100m and the bottom were analysed from 146287 data of the years 1902 to 1954. Accuracy of the monthly mean values: zonal at 59.5°N: Surface: +/- 0.2 bis 0.4 Bottom: +/-0.1 meridional at 2°E: Surface: +/- 0.2 bis 0.3 Bottom: +/-0.1 Accuracy of the yearly mean values: zonal at 59.5°N: Surface: +/- 0.2 bis 0.8 Bottom: +/- 0.2 meridional at 2°E: Surface: +/- 0.2 bis 0.4 Bottom: +/- 0.2 bis 0.3 For more details see tabel 3 and figures 1 and 2 of their publication.